PNJA Phrasal verbs Week 2 + 3

 0    25 schede    sandradomzalska2
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Domanda English Risposta English
bank on
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depend on
become of
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happen to
break down
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fail to function // lose control of feelings
break in
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interrupt // enter a building by force
break out
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start suddenly (usually of a violent event) // escape from a place
break through
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achieve success in a particular area
brush up on sth
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improve by studying
bring about
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bring in
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introduce (law, idea)
bring off
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succeed in (sth difficult)
bring sb (a)round
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restore to consciousness
bring up
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mention a subject // vomit // raise a child
call for
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demand // ask sb for sth, demand
call off
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be/get carried away
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be/get carried away in inglese
get very excited
carry off
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do sth succesfully
carry on
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continue (after interruption)
carry out
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fulfil (an order, a task) // conduct (an experiment)
come about
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come down to
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be in the end the matter of
come in for
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receive (especially critisicm, blame)
come off
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take place successfully
come up
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come up to
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equal, be as expected
come up with
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think of (an idea, solution)

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