PNJA idiomy

 0    19 schede    agnieszkak75
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Domanda English Risposta English
on the off chance
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just in case
on second thoughts
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after re-consideration
on the whim
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on a budget
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with a limit of money
on principle
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due to a belief
on target
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as planned
on duty
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on purpose
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on condition
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only if
have the world at one's feet
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to be very successful and admired
be in seventh heaven
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be very happy
be a feather in one's cap
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an action that you can be proud of
have one's head in the cloud
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to be thinking about sth not connected with what you are doing
keep on top of things
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be in control of the situation
keep up with the Joneses
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to compete with neighbours, show off
rub sb up the wrong way
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to make sb angry without intending to by doing or saying sth that offends them
steal the show
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to attract more attention than other people in a particular situation
work one's fingers to the bone
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work really hard
work one's way up to the top
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make progress in a process or structure

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