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I prefer just about anything ... watching TV.
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być zbieżnym z czymś
Nasza lekcja jest zbieżna z inną.
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coincide with something
This class is coincided with another one.
ubezpieczyć się przed czymś
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insure against something
problem wynika z
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the problem stems from
zrobić aluzję do
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hint at something
I really prefer just about anything....... watching TV.
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prefer sth to sth
Being rich doesn't count....... much on a desert island
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prosić kogoś o coś
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plead with sb to do sth
chwalić się czymś
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boast about sth
powstrzymywać się od czegoś
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refrain from something
Lekarz przypisał ból głowy migrenie.
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Doctor attributed my headache to migrane.
Obwiniał moje bóle głowy za nudności.
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He blamed my headaches on the nausea.
Zostałam poddana badaniu krwi.
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I was subjected to a blood test.
pogodziłem się z chorobą
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resign myself to feeling ill
wynikać z czegoś
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result from something
Zostałem skierowany do konsultanta.
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I was referred to a consultant.
Nawet biorąc pod uwagę mój wiek.
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Even accounting for my age.
Doprecyzowała tę kwestię.
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She elaborated on this.
Ufać komuś
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confide in sb
Zadziwiać się czymś
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To marvel at sth
Nie podoba mi się to.
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It doesn't appeal to me.
Being rich doesn't count........ much on a desert island
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We........ in finding Ann's house.
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However poor I was I would not ........ to stealing
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uciekać się do robienia czegoś
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resort to doing sth
Have you ........ for the wind speed in your calculations
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wliczać się w cos
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account for
skonfrontować się z
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confront with
You need to........ yourself more to your work
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devote / apply
poświęcić się czemuś
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devote yourself to
he confessed when he was ....... with the evidence
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faced / confronted
Alan ........ himself on his punctuality
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szczycę się czymś
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pride myself on sth
przeszkadzać w
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disturb from
I was........ from doing my work by the music
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disturbed / distracted
zwracać uwagę na coś
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take notice of something
przestrzegać zasad
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comply with the rules
byc upomnianym że
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be reminded of sth
Piotrek dopuścił się pewnych wykroczeń.
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Piotrek did some transgressions.
behaving wrongly in some way
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errant smokers smoke in public
powstrzymać się od
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refrain from
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uwolnić od
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unleash from
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zasady dotyczą kogoś
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rules apply to sb
prosić kogoś o coś
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plead with sb to do sth
powstrzymać kogoś od zrobienia czegoś
nie refrain!
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deter sb from doing sth
czerpać przyjemność z robienia czegoś
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derive pleasure from doing sth
pasować do opisu
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answer to the description
zaznajomiony z
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acquainted with
sprzeciwić się zrobieniu czegoś
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object to doing sth
Droga rozciąga się na długości 100 km.
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The road stretches for 100km.
nadrobić zaległości
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play catch up
spocznij na laurach
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rest on laurels
być na przyjaznych warunkach
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be on friendly terms
przerażony czymś
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cowed by
dreszczyk emocji
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frission of excitement
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perła mądrości
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pearl of wisdom
mieć na uwadze coś
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be mindful of something
bez obowiązku
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under no obligation to
Plotka głosi, że Dawid potrafi poruszać nogami.
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Rumor has it that Dawid can wiggle his feet.
być rozchwytywanym
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to be high in demand
bez szczęścia
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out of luck
w świetnym humorze
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in high spirits
świadomy czegoś
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conscious of sth
tak, czy inaczej
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one way or another
....... the early stages
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Your performance this term contrasts very favorably ....... last term's.
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Your performance this term contrasts very favorably ....... last term's.
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Apparently a number of army officers were implicated ... the plot.
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ktoś jest w to zamieszany
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sb is implicated in
We are going to work on putting the head underwater with a ...... to getting you all swimming correctly
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z myślą o zrobieniu czegoś
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with a view to doing sth
if you don't succeed at the first....... don't worry
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........ the first attempt
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I was under ........ that you had accepted his offer
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myśleć że, podejrzewać że
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to be under suspicion
z wyjątkiem
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with the exception of
być na zewnątrz
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be out of doors
Karen received a medal ....... of her services
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in recognition of
być za coś odpowiedzialnym
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to be liable for sth
bez wyjątku
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without exception
podatny na coś
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prone to sth
W spadku
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in decline
poza oczekiwaniami, nie do uwierzenia
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beyond belief
He was ... dispute ...... the Athletics authorities
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in dispute with
być w sporze z kimś
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to be in dispute with sb
I am grateful ...... him
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być komuś wdzięcznym za coś
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be grateful to somebody for something
I was baffeled... Tom's behaviour
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być zaskoczonym
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to be baffeled by
przez przypadek
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by coincidence
według wszelkiego prawdopodobieństwa
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in all probability
Dobrze radzę sobie ze zwierzętami.
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I'm good with animals.
w odległości spaceru od
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within walking distance of
być zaskoczonym kimś
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to be surprised at sb
kęs jedzenia
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a morsel of food
odrobina prawdy
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a modicum of truth
common sense
dużo czegoś
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a great deal of sth
mnóstwo czegoś
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a host of sth
duża szansa
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a fair chance
mala szansa
3 examples
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a mere/slender/remote chance
skłonny do hedonizmu
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hedonistic bent
ozdobiony czymś
jesli mowimy o rzeczach!
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adorned with something
jesli mowimy o jedzeniu!
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garnished with
wystrojony w
💐🌺🌻 or 👗👔
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decked out in
... the tip of the tongue
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oznaczyć kogoś jako
consider sb as
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to mark sb down as
set sb apart - wyróżniać kogoś (sprawiać, że jest inny od reszty)
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mark sb out as
odseparować coś, obszar
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mark off the area
podwyższać / obniżać ceny
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mark up/down prices
u schyłku lat 60-tych
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at the tail end of the 60s
The childhood breezed ....... in a red haze of street fighting.
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być naćpanym i szczęśliwym
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to be loved up
na rejwach
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at raves
rozległy ogród
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expansive garden
groźne/ niegościnne wybrzeża
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forbiddng shores
klimat morski
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maritime climate
dociekliwy, wścibski
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Nie można wykluczyć, że Jula lubi szczury.
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It cannot be ruled out that Jula likes rats.
to jest oczywiste
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it goes without saying
Nie mogę tego wytłumaczyć
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I can't account for this
He could not explain why he behaved strangely at the party
He....... at the party
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could not account for his strange behaviour at the party
Katie była jej oczkiem w głowie.
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Katie was the apple of her eye.
nic innego jak
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nothing other than
główna przyczyna chorób serca
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major cause of heart disease
Stres wzmagają takie czynniki, jak zmartwienie.
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Stess is increased by factors such as worry.
podjąć wysiłek fizyczny
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to take physical exercise
wysoki poziom stresu
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high stress level
odprężać się
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wind down
zmiana scenerii, otoczenia
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chage of scene
prosperować w stresie
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thrive on stress
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kozioł na sali gim
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inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
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klucz do nakrętek
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korzystne efekty biegania
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benefitial effects of running
przegrywający nie radzacy sobie
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stacje z napojami
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drink stations
garstka ludzi
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bare handful of people
Niezmiennie poszlismy do baru.
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We invariably went to the bar.
dająca się przewidzieć przyszłość
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forseeable future
sporty widowiskowe
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spectator sports
organ zarządzający
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governing body
elitarni artyści w sporcie
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elite performers in sports
niska pewność siebie
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low in confidence
niska frekwencja
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low turnout
niski bieg
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low gear
stąpać, kroczyć
to put your foot on sth or to press sth down with your foot
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tread - trod - trodden
"stąpać po wodzie"
unosic sie na wodzie w miejscu
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to tread water
I stopped swimmind and trod water.
nadepnąć komuś na palca
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tread on sb's toes
zmiana akcji, co za zmiana akcji!!!
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a turn around
zmana tempa
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turn of speed
pojazd stojący
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stationary vehicle
korki uliczne
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traffic congestion
swobodny przepływ ruchu
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free flow of traffic
zastój, stagnacja na drodze
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exhaust fumes
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sheer volume (of traffic)
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podróż (wyjazd)
nie powrót
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outward journey
podróż zorganizowana
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package tour
przerwać podróż
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to break journey
publiczny sprzeciw wobec
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public opposition to
ześlizgnąć się z drogi
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to skid off the road
tylko miejsca stojące
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standing room only
pociąg towarowy
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goods train
zaspa śnieżna
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snow drift
utknęli w dziczy
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stranded in the wilderness
zsiąść z konia, roweru
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wysiadać (np. z autobusu)
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balon wznosi się
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the baloon ascends
oszczędź sobie 2 godziny podróży
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save yourself a 2 hour journey
oszczędzać na
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save up for
zająć twarde stanowisko wobec czegoś
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take a hard line on sth
stracić poczucie czegoś
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loose track of sth
dać zgode na
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give the go ahead to
mieszkańcy (ale bardziej jakies tribes, races)
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mieszkancy miasta/wsi
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być traktowanym jako
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be regarded as
perspektywa dla
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prospect for
łamać obietnicę
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go back on promises
dotrzymywać swoich obietnic
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stand by its pledges
jedyny ocalały
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sole survivor
pożar poważnie uszkodził ogród
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the fire extensively damaged the garden
Mam co do tego całkowitą pewność
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I have every confidence that
sporządzić umowę
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draw up a contract
obciążać coś / kogoś
Te wysarzenia obviazyly wszystkich pracownikow
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put a strain upon sth/sb
wiązać wiele nadziei
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hold out much hope
skok na szansę
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jump at the chance
wyolbrzymiać coś nieproporcjonalnie
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exaggerate sth out of all propotion
oddać się do dyspozycji
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put yourself at the disposal
inaczej cause, powodować
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bring about
raport budzi obawy
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the report raise fears
synonym; attibute this
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explain the cause as
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ubiegać się o pomoc
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bid to aid
pojawiać się, (coa duzego i zlego)
Czarne chmury pojawily sie na horyzoncie.
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to loom
Dark clouds loomed on the horizon
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łaty wilgoci
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patches of damp
Mieszkanie wychodzi na park
ze jest widok na
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the flat looks out onto a park
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miejsce do parkowania samochodów
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a room to park cars
pokój do wynajęcia
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the room to let
upchnięty w coś
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crammed into sth
gory, kariery, spotkania
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naciskac, prasować, suszyć
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słabo ozdobione
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sparsely decorated
Umowa najmu
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tenancy agreement
śmieci domowe
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household rubbish
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storey building
Gwałtowny wzrost
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sharp rise
stromy spadek, Urwisko
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sheer drop
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trawiasty stok
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grassy slope
dobrze uprawiana równina
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well-cultivated plain
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zawiasy do drzwi
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hinges on the door
łupki na dachu
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slates on the roof
być utrzymane w dobrym stanie
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be maintained in good condition
w przypadku pożaru
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inthe event of fire
nieprzestrzeganie zasad
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failure to observe the rules
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being evicted
opuścić lokal
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vacate the premises
potencjalni najemcy
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prospective tenants
obejrzeć nieruchomość
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view the property
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wiadomość podprogowa
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subliminal message
sensacyjnowanie wieści
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sensationalising the news
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dumbing down
Średnia krajowa
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national average
głos sprzeciwu
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howls of protest
zająć stanowisko przeciwko czemuś
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take a position against sth
treść, sens artykułu
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gist of the article
robić skrótowe notatki
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make notes in shorthand
korespondent polityczny
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political correspondent
nakład gazety
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circulation of the newspaper
spieszyć się do czegoś
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rush headlong into sth
prorocy zagłady
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prophets of doom
oswojone (zwierzęta)
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inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
lion cub
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stado / gromada
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obfite zasoby
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abudant resources
instynkt macierzyński
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maternal instinct
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pestka wiśni
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cherry stone
list motywacyjny
inizia ad imparare
covering letter
formularz roszczenia
inizia ad imparare
claims form
zakres uprawnień i obowiązków / opis stanowiska pracy
inizia ad imparare
job description
system emerytalny
inizia ad imparare
pension scheme
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
majster / szef
inizia ad imparare
mieć nos do szlifierki
ciężko pracować
inizia ad imparare
have one's nose to the grindstone
siła nabywcza
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spending power
rachunki za utrzymanie domu
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household bills
nalicza odsetki
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earns interest
wpłata początkowa
inizia ad imparare
down payment
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business venture
Zostałem zwolniony
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I have been made redundant
jako gest dobrej woli
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as a goodwill gesture
tytułem rekompensaty
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by way of compensation
Czy będziesz na tyle dobry, aby potwierdzić odbiór?
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Will you be good enough to acknowledge receipt?
buntować się przeciwko czemuś
inizia ad imparare
to rebel against sth
wykreślić samemu
postawic na swoim
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strike out on one's own
być w dobrych stosunkach z kimś
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hit it off with somebody
zebrać się na odwagę
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pluck up the courage
przejść przez złą łatkę(czas)
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go through a bad patch
a person in a country who is not a national of that country
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kwalifikujący się kawaler
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an eligible bachelor
być chłopcem
kiedy bylem mlodziencem
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to be a lad
when i was a lad
she is not really any ... to us
nie jest z nami spokrewniona
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Moja mama krzyczała na mnie
zostalem skarcony
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I was being scolded by my mother
było blisko
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a close call
wstrząsnąć pewnością siebie
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shake the confidence
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steady on
tata prowadził mnie do ołtarza
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dad was leading me down the aisle
ponieść szkody
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sustain damage
mieć małą nadzieję
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hold out little hope
zamknąć dostęp do (obszaru)
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seal off (the area)
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zatwardziały przestępca
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hardened criminal
uderzyć w drzewo
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crash into a tree
zostać okradzionym z biżuterii
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be robbed of jewellery
oskarżać kogoś o przestępstwo
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charge sb with a crime
mieć sens
Jego dowód nie ma sensu.
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add up
His evidence just doesn't add up.
pytać o kogoś
Jim pytał o ciebie.
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ask after
Jim was asking after you.
krzyczeć podczas kłótni
Paul musiał nakrzyczeć.
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back down
Paul had to back down.
wziać pod uwagę (nie take into account)
Nie wzielismy pod uwagę ze bedzie taki ruch.
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bargain for
We hadn't bargained for there being so much traffic.
potwierdzać prawdę
Helen's alibi was........ by her sister.
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bear out
borne out
lose control of the emotions
Dawid załamal się i poplakał.
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break down
David broke down and wept.
stop talking
Przestał rozmawiać by odebrać telefon.
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break off
He broke off to answer the phone.
dochodzić do końca
Przyjęcie sonczylo sie o 9.
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break up
The party broke up at 9.
cause to happen
The crisis was........ by Brenda's sesignation
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bring about
brought about
succeed in doing sth
The team finally........ it........
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bring off
brought off
przynieść coś
Sitting in the damp....... his rheumatism
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bring on something
brought on
influence someone to your point of view
I ....... him........ to my point of view.
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bring round
brought him round
to mention sth
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to bring up sth
zostać wezwanym
na sluzbe wojskową
inizia ad imparare
to be called up
complete successfully
Jane had a difficult role, but she ... it...
inizia ad imparare
carry off
carried it off
become popular / zyskać popularność
This new hairstyle is beggining to......
inizia ad imparare
catch on
tell me how the situation...
inizia ad imparare
come about
came about
receive criticism
The government has........ a lot of criticism
inizia ad imparare
come in for
take place successfully
I'm afraid the deal didn't........
inizia ad imparare
come off
When the news....... everyone was shocked.
The flowers.......
inizia ad imparare
come out
came out
occur - usually a problem - colloquial
Sorry, but sth... and I can't meet you today.
inizia ad imparare
come up / crop up
came up
meet a difficulty
We........ a bit of a problem.
inizia ad imparare
come up against
came up against
wychodzić naprzeciw oczekiwaniom kogoś
inizia ad imparare
come up to sb's expectations
możesz na mnie liczyć
inizia ad imparare
you can count on me
Dog licences have been........
inizia ad imparare
done away with
zatrzymac sie/podjechac
A car...... outside the door.
inizia ad imparare
draw up
drew up
wpaść do kogoś z wizytą
inizia ad imparare
drop in
fall asleep - colloquial
The baby has just.......
inizia ad imparare
drop off
dropped off
have courage to deal with - especially responsibilities
You have to ...... your responsibilities.
inizia ad imparare
face up to
show amusement - especially laughing - colloquial
Everyone....... when Jane told the joke.
inizia ad imparare
fall about
fell about
uwierzył w to
It was an unlikely story but he......
inizia ad imparare
fell for it
poklocic sie z kims
Peter....... his boss.
inizia ad imparare
fall out with
fell out with
lec w gruzach
The plan....... at the last minute.
inizia ad imparare
fall through
fell through
feel capable of doing sth
Grandpa didn't ........ walking all day.
inizia ad imparare
feel up to doing sth
feel up to
kontynuować jakieś działanie
We will........ this lesson next time
inizia ad imparare
follow up
Do czego zmierzasz?
inizia ad imparare
What are you getting at?
uniknąć kary
They were lucky to........ such light sentences.
inizia ad imparare
get off with
zbliżać się do jakiegos wieku
He must be........ 70.
inizia ad imparare
get on for
getting on for
Dobrze radzę sobie w nowej pracy.
inizia ad imparare
I am getting on well in my new job.
be surprised
He couldn't....... how well she looked.
inizia ad imparare
get over
znaleść na cos czas
Sorry but I haven't ........ fixing the tao yet.
inizia ad imparare
get round to
got round to
kombinować coś
The children are........ in the garden.
inizia ad imparare
get up to sth
getting up to sth
wydać kogoś
The false identity card......
inizia ad imparare
give away a secret/sb
gave him away
The cheese started to....... the strange smell.
inizia ad imparare
give off
rozdać, skończyć się
When our money........ we had to borrow some
inizia ad imparare
give out
gave out
przeznaczyć, poświecić
The rest of the time is........ to playing cards.
inizia ad imparare
give over
given over
stop (give)
Dlaczego nie przestaniesz?
inizia ad imparare
give over
Why don't you give over!!!?
believed to be dead or lost
The ship was....... lost
inizia ad imparare
give up for
given up for
break a promise
inizia ad imparare
go back on a promise
psuć się
the milk has.......
inizia ad imparare
go off
gone off
be enough
There weren't enough life jackets to......
inizia ad imparare
go round
zrealizować coś, wykonywać coś
inizia ad imparare
go through with something
become more liked
This new record is........ me.
inizia ad imparare
grow on
growing on
be deliberately unkind to sb
My teacher........ me
inizia ad imparare
has it in for
oszukać kogoś
inizia ad imparare
have sb on
having me on.
get on well with
Sarah and Tom really ........ at the party.
inizia ad imparare
hit it off
wpadł na pomysł
inizia ad imparare
hit upon the idea of
wiązać wiele nadziei
inizia ad imparare
hold out much hope
used as
Jack was always........ as an example to me.
inizia ad imparare
held up
ageee with an idea
trzymac sie pomyslu
inizia ad imparare
hold with an idea
ustanowić prawo
inizia ad imparare
lay down the law
allow to be part of a secret
We haven't ....... Tina...... the plans yet.
inizia ad imparare
let in on
let Tina in on
inform about a secret - colloquial
We're planning a surprise for Helen, but don't......
inizia ad imparare
let on
odrabiać skutki czegoś
inizia ad imparare
live down something
Patrzeć na coś jako
We........ this city as our home.
inizia ad imparare
look on
odwiedź mnie następnym razem
jak bedziesz w okolicy
inizia ad imparare
look me up next time
Tim ........ that he hadn't seen the No Smoking sign.
inizia ad imparare
make out
made out
understand somebody's behaviour
She's odd, I can't.......
inizia ad imparare
make someone out
make her out
przyznać się
Nobody will....... to breaking this window.
inizia ad imparare
own up
the weather seems to be......
inizia ad imparare
picking up
przypierać kogoś do muru
inizia ad imparare
pin somebody down
behave or work badly
The car is........ It won't start.
inizia ad imparare
play up
playing up
mange to succeed
It was a tricky plan but we........
inizia ad imparare
pull off
pulled it off
przekazać pomysły
inizia ad imparare
put/get the ideas across
apply for a job
She....... a teaching job.
inizia ad imparare
put in for
has put in for
offer accommodation
We can........ for a few days.
inizia ad imparare
put you up
tolerate, bearI
I can't........ all this noise!
inizia ad imparare
put up with
oddzielić się od
pop music.......
inizia ad imparare
split away
has split away
niekompatybilne z
inizia ad imparare
incompatible with
w niektórych aspektach
inizia ad imparare
in some respects
gatunek muzyki
inizia ad imparare
breed of music
pobić rekord za coś
inizia ad imparare
hold the record for something
the message came... the speakers
inizia ad imparare
szał na punkcie jazdy na deskorolce
inizia ad imparare
craze for skateboarding
he acompannied her... the piano
inizia ad imparare
they were booed...... the stage
inizia ad imparare
Mówiąc bez ogródek
inizia ad imparare
To put it bluntly
uciśniony, gnębiony, prześladowany
inizia ad imparare
standardowy, umowny
o czlowieku takim npc
inizia ad imparare
cieszący się złą sławą
inizia ad imparare
Students have been BANNED from using phones.
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
a sovereign
czuć się sennym
inizia ad imparare
feel drowsy
czuć się zmęczonym
inizia ad imparare
feel worn out
być zaniedbanym
np przez brak witamin
inizia ad imparare
to be run down
bolały mnie stopy
inizia ad imparare
my feet were sore
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
portier szpitalny
inizia ad imparare
hospital porter
oddział szpitalny (miejsce, w którym znajdują się łóżka i gdzie pacjenci mogą spać)
inizia ad imparare
hospital ward (place where are beds and where patients can sleep)
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
get flabby
inizia ad imparare
wyrwany ząb
inizia ad imparare
extracted tooth
zachcianki, pragnienia
inizia ad imparare
Skrzywiłem się
inizia ad imparare
I scowled
Zaśmiałem się
inizia ad imparare
I chuckled
walking for pleasure
inizia ad imparare
moving from place to place, rapidly
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
zataczać się, chwiać się
inizia ad imparare
dochód ze sprzedaży został przeznaczony na dobry cel
inizia ad imparare
proceeds from the sales went to a good cause
podaj swoją kartę kredytową
inizia ad imparare
quote your credit card
dymiące drzewo
inizia ad imparare
smouldering tree
powoływać się na ignorancję, niewiedzę
inizia ad imparare
to plead ignorance
czuć urazę
inizia ad imparare
feel resented
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
urzadzenie, grat!!!
stary grat
inizia ad imparare
nakręć zegarek
inizia ad imparare
wind up a watch
przemoknąć do suchej nitki
inizia ad imparare
soak to the skin
przemowic do kogoś, przekonać
inizia ad imparare
bring sth home to sb
kwatery sypialne
inizia ad imparare
sleeping quarters
tęsknić za czymś
inizia ad imparare
yearn for sth
większość czegoś
np rozdziału
inizia ad imparare
bulk of something
spory zysk
inizia ad imparare
sizeable profit
brak czegoś
inizia ad imparare
dearth of sth
liczba studentów spadła
inizia ad imparare
the number of students dwindled
Byłoby mniej kłopotu
inizia ad imparare
It would be less bother
obfite opady śniegu
inizia ad imparare
abudant falls of snow
wody jest mnóstwo
inizia ad imparare
water is abudant
odpowiedź średnia
meh, rozczarowalismy sie, mysleliamy ze bedzje fajniejsza
inizia ad imparare
middling response
nadmierne wymagania
inizia ad imparare
excessive demands
dużo czasu
inizia ad imparare
ample time
inizia ad imparare
czuć się gorszym
inizia ad imparare
to feel inferior
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
znacząco / w znacznym stopniu
inizia ad imparare
umiarkowanie udane
inizia ad imparare
wcześniejsze ustalenia
inizia ad imparare
prior arrangements
zawieszenie za
inizia ad imparare
suspension for
uruchomić zamieszki
inizia ad imparare
run riot
bez entuzjazmu
inizia ad imparare
osiągnięcia akademickie
inizia ad imparare
academic achievement
kara cielesna
inizia ad imparare
corporal punishment
stażysta nauczyciel
inizia ad imparare
trainee teacher
aresztowany po szkole
w kozie siedziex
inizia ad imparare
put in detention after school
szkoła policealna
inizia ad imparare
further education college
mający za mały personel
inizia ad imparare
bezzasadna plotka
inizia ad imparare
unfounded rumor
wdzięczny tobie
inizia ad imparare
indebted to you
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
nieważny paszport
inizia ad imparare
invalid passport
zawieszenie broni
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
przeznaczony na
inizia ad imparare
earmarked for
inizia ad imparare
podrzucic kogos gdzieś
inizia ad imparare
run sb somewhere
to sprawia ze bolą mnie oczy
inizia ad imparare
it makes my eyes run
kandydować na prezydenta
inizia ad imparare
run for president
podsumować sytuację
inizia ad imparare
take stock of the situation
opiekunka do dziecka
inizia ad imparare
a child minder
cudowne dziecko
inizia ad imparare
child prodigy
You paid 120$?!!! They... you......
ale sie dales naciągnąć
inizia ad imparare
ripped you off
She always CRITICIZES her husband
inizia ad imparare
runs down her husband
to run down sb - krytykowac
the battery is........
rozlawoduje sie
inizia ad imparare
running down
Guess who I........ in the supermarket!
na kogo wpadłam
inizia ad imparare
ran into
I don't think we can....... to a holiday.
Nie wiem czy nas stać na
inizia ad imparare
Let's CHECK the plan one more time.
inizia ad imparare
run over
nabić rachunek
zadłużyć sie
inizia ad imparare
run up a bill
napotkać coś np problem
inizia ad imparare
run up against sth
pozegnać kogoś przed podróżą
inizia ad imparare
see sb off
przejrzeć kogoś
inizia ad imparare
see through sb/sth
przedrzeźniać kogoś
inizia ad imparare
send up sb
zacząć robić coś
inizia ad imparare
set about doing sth
nastać/zapanować/osiedlać się
Deszcz nastał
inizia ad imparare
set in
The rain set in
This document........ all the Union demands
gives in detail in writting
inizia ad imparare
sets out
założyć firmę
inizia ad imparare
set up a company
We were....... by a gang.
inizia ad imparare
set upon
Slowly the realisation that I had won began to.......
realise slowly
inizia ad imparare
sink in
Someone....... and lost my document.
made a mistake
inizia ad imparare
slipped up
rozwiązać problem
inizia ad imparare
sort out a problem
Silnik nie wytrzymuje takiego obciążenia.
inizia ad imparare
The engine doesn't stand up to the strain.
The production INCREASED
inizia ad imparare
stepped up
You must learn to........ yourself
inizia ad imparare
stick up for
Nie daj się zwieść pieknym oczom Natalki.
inizia ad imparare
Don't be taken in by Natalka's beautiful eyes.
Nie wyżywaj się na mnie!
inizia ad imparare
Don't take it out on me!
Daniel naprawdę dobrze udaje Majora.
inizia ad imparare
Daniel takes off Major really well.
My grandmother has........ a new lease of life.
acquire a new characteristics
inizia ad imparare
taken on
She has........ too much work
do sth extra
inizia ad imparare
taken on
Kusza nie wykupił ubezpieczenia.
po chuj
inizia ad imparare
Kusza hasn't taken out insurance.
You'll soon...... your new boss.
przekonasz sie do
inizia ad imparare
take to
Przygotowania zajęły Matiemu cały wieczór.
inizia ad imparare
Getting ready took out the whole evening for Mati.
took out
Patrynia namówiła mnie na zrobienie sobie rzęs.
inizia ad imparare
Patrynia talked me into having my eyelashes done.
nakrzyczeć na kogoś, skarcić
inizia ad imparare
tell sb off
Your party doesn't quite........ our arrangements
be in arrangement with
inizia ad imparare
tie in with
inizia ad imparare
track down
Adek próbował trochę narkotyków.
inizia ad imparare
Adek tried out some drugs.
Don't worry, it is bound to...... sooner or later.
be discovered by any chance
inizia ad imparare
turn up
The painkillers....... after 2 hours.
inizia ad imparare
wear off
The hotel bill ........ over 300$.
inizia ad imparare
worked out at
Zupę napadli jacyś szaleńcy.
ofc we snie i sie obronil
inizia ad imparare
Zupa was set upon by some mad people.
obserwacje czegoś
inizia ad imparare
sightings of sth
utrzymanie zwierząt
inizia ad imparare
keeping of animals
zgodnie z warunkami
inizia ad imparare
under the terms of
niedobór witamin
inizia ad imparare
deficient in vitamins
wyjątek od reguły
inizia ad imparare
exeption to the rule
lekceważenie kogoś/czegoś
inizia ad imparare
disregard for sb/sth
zaspokajać potrzeby kogoś
inizia ad imparare
cater for the needs of sb
zejść na świat
inizia ad imparare
come down in the world
w pojedynkę
zrobic cos samemu
inizia ad imparare
zrobić coś własnoręcznie
inizia ad imparare
do sth single-handedly
wręczać to komuś
inizia ad imparare
hand it to sb
learn any skill fast
inizia ad imparare
turn sb's hand to anything
górnolotne zachowanie
inizia ad imparare
high-handed behaviour
grać prosto w ręce
give sb advantage
inizia ad imparare
play right into hands
być starą ręką na coś
miec doświadczenie
inizia ad imparare
be an old hand at sth
dać komuś dużą rękę
dac aplauz
inizia ad imparare
give sb a big hand
nie wyjsc z wprawy
inizia ad imparare
keep my hand in
otrzymać wolną rękę
inizia ad imparare
to be given a free hand
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
pień drzewa
inizia ad imparare
trunk of the tree
dębowa belka
inizia ad imparare
oak beam
słupek bramy
inizia ad imparare
gate post
słup elektryczny
inizia ad imparare
electricity pole
bez towarzystwa
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
niespotykany, bezprecedensowy
inizia ad imparare
bezwładnie kuśtykać
inizia ad imparare
limp across
przechadzać się wzdłuż
inizia ad imparare
stroll along
poślizgnąć się
inizia ad imparare
slip over
inizia ad imparare
browned off
Pomaluj miasto na czerwono
inizia ad imparare
paint the town red
zmęczony na twarzy że złości
inizia ad imparare
blue in the face
wpaść w długi
inizia ad imparare
Fall into red
Nie chciec sie z kims juz widzieć
inizia ad imparare
see the last of sb/sth
We've seen the last of him
zgadzac sie z czyms
inizia ad imparare
see eye to eye over sth /with sb
zgdzac sie na zrobienje czegos
nie widxe tego, zeby ci pozyczyc kase
inizia ad imparare
see my way to doing sth
i dont think i can see my way to lending you money
dużo się widzieć, czesto spotykać
inizia ad imparare
to see a lot of each other
sam w sobie
inizia ad imparare
on its own merits
na terenie
inizia ad imparare
on premises
jednorazowa płatność
inizia ad imparare
one-off payment
karkołomna prędkość
inizia ad imparare
breakneck speed
inizia ad imparare
podstawowa wiedza
inizia ad imparare
rudimentary knowledge
inizia ad imparare
commensurate with
nieodpowiedni moment
inizia ad imparare
inopportune moment
inizia ad imparare
discrepancy (between)
dobrze płatna / lukratywna
inizia ad imparare
reach the point where some strong actions has to be taken
inizia ad imparare
bring matters to a head
I brought matters to a head.
to be involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of
inizia ad imparare
I'm in a way over my head
Kompletnie uderzyło mi to do głowy.
feeling out of control
inizia ad imparare
It's completely gone to my head.
Straciłem głowę
inizia ad imparare
I'm off my head
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
napad, atak
inizia ad imparare
raid, swoop
inizia ad imparare
kopalnie, kopalnie węgla
inizia ad imparare
pits, coalmines
krytykować kogoś
inizia ad imparare
hit out
removed by force
inizia ad imparare
ponownie wyszła za mąż
inizia ad imparare
public alarm
inizia ad imparare
spór, rozłam
inizia ad imparare
dispute, split
inizia ad imparare
drżąc z zimna
inizia ad imparare
shivering in the cold
zaciskać pięści
inizia ad imparare
clench your fists
inizia ad imparare
crouch down
Nie przywiązuję do tego dużej wagi.
inizia ad imparare
I don't set much store by it.
Już zdecydowałem.
inizia ad imparare
I've set my mind on it
inizia ad imparare
a set-back
Jestem przeciwny
inizia ad imparare
I'm dead set against
To powoduje, że moje zęby stają na krawędzi
fuj ale gorzkie
inizia ad imparare
It sets my teeth on edge
siedlisko rabusiów
inizia ad imparare
haunt of muggers
miejsce koncertów
inizia ad imparare
the venue for concerts
miejsce zwycięskie
inizia ad imparare
winning post
wtrącić się
inizia ad imparare
butt in
EXACTLY on target
zamien drukowane
inizia ad imparare
The robbers got COMPLETELY away
inizia ad imparare
we are EQUAL
inizia ad imparare
w granicach rozsądku
inizia ad imparare
within reason
zapytaj w środku
inizia ad imparare
enquire within
inizia ad imparare
by and by
w ogóle
inizia ad imparare
by and large
w żaden sposób
inizia ad imparare
by no means
za wszelką cenę
inizia ad imparare
by all means
rozproszona populacja
inizia ad imparare
scattered population
stały żart
inizia ad imparare
standing joke
duża odpowiedzialność
inizia ad imparare
heavy responsibility
dobre zrozumienie czegoś
inizia ad imparare
sound grasp of sth
To daje mu credit
inizia ad imparare
It does him credit
On ma co robić.
on urzadza to przyjęcie
inizia ad imparare
He's having a do.
on ciagle gada
inizia ad imparare
he does go on
da radę
inizia ad imparare
he'll make do
czułe słówko
inizia ad imparare
term of endearment
minuta uwagi
inizia ad imparare
a minute attention
Ona to spowodowała.
inizia ad imparare
She brought it about.
karna wrocila
inizia ad imparare
it brought it all back to sb
została doprowadzona do księgi
inizia ad imparare
she was brought to book
Byłem zadowolony jak cholera
inizia ad imparare
I was pleased as punch
inizia ad imparare
oklepane powiedzenie
inizia ad imparare
well-worn expression
inizia ad imparare
uzasadniony, słuszny
inizia ad imparare
prawie niemożliwe
inizia ad imparare
well-nigh impossible
pędzić, gnać
inizia ad imparare
trot off
być czymś pochłoniętym
inizia ad imparare
be engrossed in something
skazać kogoś
inizia ad imparare
convict sb of sth
być zapełnionym czymś
inizia ad imparare
be crammed with sth
zaprzyjaźnić się z kimś
ale takie troche podlizywac się
inizia ad imparare
ingratiate oneself with someone
majstrować przy czymś
inizia ad imparare
tamper with sth
narzucać komuś
inizia ad imparare
impose on someone
wycofać się
inizia ad imparare
phase sth out
objąć tron
inizia ad imparare
succeed to the throne
współmierny do czegoś
inizia ad imparare
commensurate with sth
nieprzepuszczalny dla czegoś
on jest odporny na krytyke
orporny na
inizia ad imparare
impervious to sth
w niebezpieczeństwie
inizia ad imparare
in jeopardy
inizia ad imparare
on loan
oceniac na podstawie jakosci a nie tegi co ludzie mowia
inizia ad imparare
on its merits
nie na żarty
inizia ad imparare
beyond a joke
bez cienia wątpliwości
inizia ad imparare
beyond a shadow of a doubt
w naprawie
inizia ad imparare
under repair
inizia ad imparare
cytować dosłownie
inizia ad imparare
quoted as saying
zrzec się odpowiedzialności
inizia ad imparare
to have disclaimed responsibility
kwestionować dane
inizia ad imparare
challenge the figures
gotowy do starcia
inizia ad imparare
set to clash over
łyżka cukru
inizia ad imparare
spoonful of sugar
możliwa opcja
inizia ad imparare
feasible option
ujście rzeki
inizia ad imparare
estuary of river
inizia ad imparare
brzydki incydent
inizia ad imparare
ugly incident
o ile
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
muszka owocowa
inizia ad imparare
zwracać koszty
inizia ad imparare
byc w sam raz dla ciebie
inizia ad imparare
be right up your street
być przeoczonym
inizia ad imparare
to be overlooked
trzymać kogoś na palcach
inizia ad imparare
keep someone on their toes
popadać w samozadowolenie
inizia ad imparare
become complacent
wysyłać kogoś
inizia ad imparare
dispatch sb
inizia ad imparare
starac sie, prosba, wysilek
inizia ad imparare
ocena zdolności kredytowej
inizia ad imparare
credit rating
włożyć coś, inwestowac
wlozylem 1k w bitcoina
inizia ad imparare
put in sth
wpływy z
inizia ad imparare
takings from
pójść po coś i przynieść
ale tez np: sprzedaz przyniesie 1k.
inizia ad imparare
wysokie wydatki
inizia ad imparare
high expenditure
sumka na czarną godzinę, zaskórniaki
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
facet, gosc, koles
inizia ad imparare
idziemy stabilnie, jestesmy w spokojnym zwiazki
inizia ad imparare
we are going steady
Jestem spłukany
inizia ad imparare
I'm hard up.
no gaz
inizia ad imparare
obracać sie w towarzystwie
inizia ad imparare
rub shoulders with sb
zgarnąć całą stawkę
inizia ad imparare
sweep the board
odbilo sie czkawką
Zdrada odbila jej sie czkawka.
inizia ad imparare
backfire on sb
Cheating backfired on her
inizia ad imparare
kwasny, zgorzkniały, ostry, cyniczny
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
wyłącz zasilanie (wode prad etc)
inizia ad imparare
turn off the mains
ten co podpowiada tekst w teatrzr
inizia ad imparare
okno takie piekne
inizia ad imparare
a bay window
inizia ad imparare
przedsiębiorca pogrzebowy
inizia ad imparare
krzaki, zarośla
inizia ad imparare

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