Planets in Latvian

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Merkurs (m.)
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Venera (f.)
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Zeme (f.)
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Marss (m.)
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Jupiters (f.)
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Saturns (m.)
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Urāns (m.)
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Neptūns (m.)
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Plutons (m.)

Planets in Latvian

Study the basics of Latvian and start with Planets! Did you know the spelling of Planets in Latvian too? Find the answer in our lesson Planets in Latvian and get to know other flashcardsin Latvian language! You will also have an opportunity to improve your Latvian pronunciation with audio recordings of the Latvian words! The magic of language learning is that you never know when you are going to need the word or phrase that you have at the tip of your tongue! Learn Planets in Latvian and never forget it again!

Reasons to master Latvian

Studying Latvian will give you access to various books, movies or even memes, created in Latvian. Speaking Latvian will allow you to travel more freely, get to know new people and have a new entry in your CV! Or simply use this new knowledge to impress your friends by speaking in Latvian! Are you still not persuaded? What can I say? Look, probably you are not a lover of challenges ...! Speaking a new language is certainly not so common. You could achieve a respectable result "almost" alone! Do you think you can learn a new language with us? Give us (and give yourself) the possibility!

How to learn Latvian easily

The key to success is to revise vocabulary often but not too often. Our Spaced Repetition Algorithm will take care of it by scheduling repetitions of the flashcards in Latvian you did not know, making you remember more in less time!

Learn Latvian fast and efficiently!

You hated taking Latvian classes? Your Latvian professor wasn't structured enough? Try flashcards with VocApp and study Latvian without a professor! Our flashcards will make speaking in Latvian simple and enjoyable!

Latvian flashcards that may interest you!

The lesson on Planets in Latvian is just a little study set. If you are interested in professional language courses, you should take a look at our offer on Latvian language courses. If you'd rather short lessons on Latvian, try out our other lessons.

Learn common Latvian online and achieve systematic learning.

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