Places to visit in Moldova - Locuri de vizitat în Moldova

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Domanda Risposta
Vinăria Cricova
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The second largest underground winery in the world with 120 kilometers of roadways and a tunnel system with underground tasting rooms and tours.
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It is an autonomous land with a culture influenced mainly by Turkey. The main attraction is the Comrat Regional History Museum.
Parcul Țaul
The Taul Park
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The largest park in the country which includes the house of Ivan Pommer. Here you can discover 150 varieties of bushes and trees, from which many are exotic.
Rezervația Naturală Pădurea Domnească
The Royal Forest Natural Reservation
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The largest natural reserve founded in 1993. Here you can find the oldest oak tree (450 years old) and many rare bird species.
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Located on the Dniester River, this city and its fortress played a very important role in the history of the country. It is also the unofficial Roma capital.
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It is a self-declared independent republic that has its own currency, police force and speaks the Russian language. Here you can explore the Soviet remains from the 1990s.
Mănăstirea Curchi
The Curchi Monastery
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The most beautiful monastery of Moldova. Its complex is made of 5 churches, abbeys, cells and a refectory. The main piece is the Mother of God Church, built in the 19th century.
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"Romanian for travelling"
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