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Domanda Risposta
le cinéma
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the cin
le théâtre
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le musée
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the museum
la poste
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the post office
le supermarché
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the grocery store
le restaurant
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la banque
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the bank
la bibliothèque
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the library
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the ec
l'hôtel (m)
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the hotel
la pharmacie
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the pharmacy
l'hôpital (m)
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le centre commercial
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the shopping center
la gare
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the train station
la librairie
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the book store
la boulangerie
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the bakery
le parc
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the park
la mairie
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the town hall
l'église (f)
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la piscine
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the swimming pool
les aéroports
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the airports
le magasin
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the shop
le marché
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the market
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the opera
le stade
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the stadium

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