Piotrek 5th April (45 min)

 0    8 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Miło to słyszeć.
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Nice to hear that.
NEVER: Nice to hearing.
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a construction site
an area of land where something is being built
wyjść ze strefy komfortu
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to get out of your comfort zone
It's difficult to get out of your comfort zone.
Zjedliśmy kolację u mojej mamy.
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We had dinner at my mum's.
A + bf, lunch, dinner - NEVER
Obejrzeliśmy mecz, a po meczu pojechaliśmy do domu.
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We watched a game and after THE game we went home.
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chicken soup
niezawodny (np. samochód)
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My car's not as reliable as it used to be.
Gdybym był pojazdem, byłbym niezawodnym motocyklem.
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If I were a vehicle, I'd be a reliable motorcycle.

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