Piotrek 25th Oct (45 min)

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Byliśmy na imprezie urodzinowej mojego teścia.
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We were AT my dad's birthday party.
To wygląda na nowiuteńkie.
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it looks BRAND new.
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Zdecydowaliśmy, że nie kupimy tego roweru.
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We decided not to buy this bike
Zdecydowaliśmy, że nie pojedziemy do Stanów.
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We decided not to go to the US.
Zdecydowaliśmy, że nie sprzedamy naszego domu.
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We decided not to sell our house.
W końcu
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IN the end
In the end, we all agreed with him.
na końcu
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at the end
na końcu
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at the end
He died at the end of the film.
Zrobimy to sami.
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We'll do it by ourselves.

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