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Domanda English Risposta English
not allow sb to enter a place
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turn away
refuse an offer; reject
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turn down
give sb to the police
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turn sb in
change into, become
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turn into
switch off
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turn off
switch on
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turn on
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turn out
turn to a new page, change TV channel
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turn over
deliver(to the police, authorities)
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turn sb over to sb
go to sb for help, advice
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turn to
arrive or appear(unexectedly)
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turn up
increase(volume, pressure)
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turn up
reduce volume
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turn down
prove to be in the end; result
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turn out
force sb to leave
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turn out
empty pockets, handbag
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turn out
make sb gradually weaker
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wear sb down
(of feelings) disappear gradually
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wear off
use until no longer serviceable
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wear out
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wear out
have an effect on
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work on
find the solution to a problem by reasoning or calculating
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work out
develop successfully
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work out
develop, increase
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work up

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