Phrases / Zwroty

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a(n) old / new / big block of flats
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a (n) stary / nowy / duży blok
a nice part of town
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ładna część miasta
the centre of the town
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centrum miasta
the country side
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the mountains / woods
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góry / lasy
far from / near
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daleko od / blisko
a park / a forest
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park / las
the sea / a river
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morze / rzeka
the shops / my school
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sklepy / moja szkoła
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an island
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the edge of town
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skraj miasta/obrzerzach
the ground / top / first floor
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parter / szczyt / pierwsze piętro
surrounded by
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w otoczeniu
fields / houses / trees
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pola / domy / drzewa
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a big / small / huge garden
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duży / mały / ogromny ogród
a great view
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wspaniały widok
loads of rooms
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mnóstwo pokoi
lots of neighbours
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wielu sąsiadów
plenty pf space inside / outside
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dużo miejsca wewnątrz/na zewnątrz

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