phrases with get

 0    18 schede    mw828
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get out of my way
move to the side to let me pass
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zejdź mi z drogi
get by
managing to live
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dawać sobie radę finansowo
get hold of
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get a terrible shock
had a terrible suprise
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przeżyć straszny szok
get the message
hear what you saying
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sluchac co sie mowi/dostać wiadomość
get the chance
have the opportunity
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dostać szansę
get own back
take revange
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get me down
depress me
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miec depresje
get me own way
do whatever I want
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robic wszystko co zechce
get through to me
make me understand
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zmusic do zrozumienia
gets on my nerves
annoys me
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działa mi na nerwy
get on very well
have very good relationship
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bardzo dobrze się dogadywać
get on the wrong end of stick
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pomylic sie
getting on
becoming older
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starzeć sie
get around the city
move from place to another
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poruszać się po mieście
get together
meet up
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spotykac sie
get it
understand it
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get rid off
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pozbyć się

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