phrasal verbs unit 6

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be about to
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be on the point of
be after
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1) want, try to gain, 2) chase
be down with
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be ill with; go down with
be for
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be in favour of (opp: be against)
be in for
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expect sth
be off
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1) (tr) not want/like any more, 2) (int) be absent (from school, work, etc)
be on
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be shown (on TV, at the cinema, etc) be out: 1) (int) be unfashionable, 2) (int) (of light/ fire) have stopped burning
be over
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come to an end
be through with
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have ended a relationship/ job etc
be up to
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1) (tr) be capable of, 2) (tr) feel like doing sth usu sth wrong
break down
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1) stop working, 2) lose control of feelings, 3) fail
break in/break into
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enter by force
break off
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end a relationship/agreement
break out
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) (of war, fire, etc) begin suddenly BUT a storm breaks, 2) escape
break through
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advance (in spite of opposition)
break to
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tell (usu bad news) to sb in a kind way
break up
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1) (of schools, etc) stop for holidays, 2) separate, split up
do away with
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1) abolish, 2) kill
do down
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speak badly of sb
do in
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do up
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1) fasten, tie, 2) wrap, 3) repair, redecorate, 4) make oneself more attractive, dress up
(could) do with
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want, need sth
do without
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live/continue without having sth
fall apart
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1) break into pieces, 2) end in failure
fall back on
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turn to sth for help when other plans have failed, turn to
fall behind
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1) fail to keep up, 2) be late (with payment)
fall for
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1) be deceived, 2) fall in love
fall in
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fall into
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1) (tr) belong to; be part of (categories), 2) (tr) begin; enter a state
fall in with
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agree with, go along with
fall on
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1) (tr) attack, 2) (tr) eat hungrily
fall out (with)
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quarrel with sb
fall through
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fail to be completed
give away
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1) reveal sth, betray sb, 2) lose an advantage
give back
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give in
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1) (int) surrender, 2) (tr) hand in
give off
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tr) emit (heat, fumes, smell, etc)
give out
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1) (int) come to an end, 2) (tr) distribute, hand out
give up
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1) stop/abandon an attempt, habit, etc 2) (int) surrender, offer oneself as a prisoner, 3) (int) stop doing or having sth
go after
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(tr) pursue
go ahead
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(int) be allowed to happen
go away
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(int) (of a problem, feeling, etc) disappear; cease
go back on
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(tr) break a promise or agreement
go by
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base my ideas on
go down with
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tr) become ill
go for
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1) (tr) attack, 2) (tr) apply for (a job)
go in for
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take part in (a competition)
go on
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1) (int) continue; carry on, 2) (int) happen
go off
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(int) 1) (of a bomb) explode, (of an alarm) ring, 2) be switched off, 3) (of food) spoil
go out
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(int) stop burning, be extinguished
go over
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r) 1) examine details, 2) repeat
go round
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1) be enough for everyone to have a share, 2) visit, 3) (of news, a disease) spread, circulate
go through
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(tr) 1) examine carefully, go over, 2) (of money, food, etc) use up, spend, 3) experience, endure
go up
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int) rise (price)
go with
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tr) match
go without
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(tr) endure the lack of sth; do without
look after
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take care of

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