phrasal verbs - time and work

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pojawić się/wydarzyc sie nagle lub nieoczekiwanie (appear or happen suddenly or unexpectedly)
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appear or happen suddenly or unexpectedly
start doing something in a very enthusiastic way (rzucić się do robienia czegoś)
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dive in
be a particular place or state after doing something or because of doing something
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end up
begin (with) // rozpocząć (z)
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kick off (with)
stop working // kończyć pracę
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knock off
fire someone // zwolnic kogos
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lay off
if something lies ahead, it is going to happend to you in the future
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lie ahead
work at different times from usual because you have not worked enough at normal
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make up
start doing or working on sth
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set out
you are busy // you have to much work
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snow under
hire someone
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take on
to help sb // pomagać komuś
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tide over
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while away
relax after work
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wind down

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