Phrasal verbs part 11-15

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Domanda English Risposta English
bone up on
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review; study again
call up
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telephone someone
churn out
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produce something at a fast rate
dwell on
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think to much about something
fade out
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gradually disappear
go along with
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support an idea or agree with someone’s opinion
help out
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assist someone
jack up
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increase sharply, especially the price of something
kick in
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start to have an effect
leave on
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not turn off (a light, a machine)
pop by
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go to someone’s house for a short time
round up
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bring together, gather
set apart
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distinguish, make different
think through
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think carefully about the possible result of something
warm up
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branch out
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expand or extend one’s interests
catch on
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understand; become popular or fashionable
come down with smth
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become ill, usually with a disease that is not very serious
dig in
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start eating
drown out
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make so much noise that another sound cannot be heard
fall over
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lose your balance and fall to the ground
go after
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chase or follow someone in order to catch them
hit off
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like someone and become friendly immediately
keep away
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stay at distance
let up
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stop, become less in intensity/force
pig out
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eat a lot of something
polish off
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finish, consume quickly
set aside
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save for special purpose, reserve
take on
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hire/employ new staff; accept new responsibilities
wolf down
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eat something very rapidly and in very large pieces
boss around
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domineer, be bossy towards
butt in
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interrupt a conversation; move into a line of people or things out of turn
chicken out
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lose the courage to do something
crank up
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increase, improve, intensify
fart around
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waste time doing pointless things
fend for
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take care of yourself without depending on anyone else
gang up on
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form a group to hurt someone
grow up
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develop from a child into an adult
hold out
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insist on certain demands; continue to be in supply or service; hope for
kick back
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relax, take it easy
lay out
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present something clearly
shell out
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spend money on something, especially when you think it’s too expensive
stick up for
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defend, support someone - usually verbally
tag along
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accompany someone, especially if they haven’t specifically invited you
tell on
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report someone to an authority
act up
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behave awkwardly or badly
bail out
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assist someone in a difficult situation, often financial
blow away
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impress someone greatly
calm down
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relax after being angry
delve into
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explore, examine, investigate
drag on
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continue for too long in a boring way
gross out
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make someone feel disgusted or nauseous
horse around
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play, fool around
jot down
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write something quickly
lock up
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put someone in a prison; lock all the doors and windows of a building so that no one can get in
nod off
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begin sleeping, especially not intentionally
phase out
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end or discontinue something in a gradual way
piss off
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be angry about something
tangle with
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become involved in an argument or a fight with someone or something
tie up
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bind, fasten
clean out
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remove all objects; rid of dirt, rubbish or impurities
clear off
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remove from sight
cool off
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calm down after being angry
cover up
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hide from view or knowledge
cut back
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spend less, do less, or use less of something
do up
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fasten; button; zip; tie// repair, improve the condition of
dole out
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give or deliver in small portions, distribute
drop off
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fall asleep // stop vehicle and let someone get out; take to a place and leave it there
fall apart
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break into pieces
fend off
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defend yourself against an attack
fill out
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complete a form
keep up
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continue, maintain smth
stamp out
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eliminate, eradicate
wash up
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clean the dishes // clean your hands with soap and water (AmE)
wipe off
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completely remove or clean something from a surface or location

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