phrasal verbs + ing

 0    13 schede    ZbigniewStonoga
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to set about
she set about gathering all the necessary materials
ograniczyc cos
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cut down on sth
We want to cut down on the risk.
czuc sie na silach, byc w stanie cos zrobic
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feel up to sth
she didn’t feel up to working so hard
skończyć (gdzies, robiac cos)
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end up
I can bet he'll end up in prison.
wybuchnąc, krzyczec
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burst out
he burst out laughing
wynagradzac, rekompensowac
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make up for sth
I'm sorry you had to wait. How can I make up for that?
wycofac sie z
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pull out of
They decided to pull out of the negotiations.
czuć się na siłach
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feel up to something
I don’t feel up to eating anything.
zdecydowac sie
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make up your mind to
i made my mind to change my habits
sprzeciwiać się
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be opposed to
cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to clean, green, non-polluting industries based on new technologies which perform well.
zadać sobie trud zrobienia czegoś
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take the trouble to do sth
He did not take the trouble to see the film before he attacked it.
wypracowac sobie pozycje, zapracowac na cos
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work one’s way up
He worked hard and worked his way up.
wprowadzic zmiany
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to bring about change
We need to bring about change in this area in the future, too

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