Phrasal verbs

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We ___ ___ at 7.00 in the morning to try to avoid the traffic.
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to set off (for a place)
We set off at 7.00 in the morning to try to avoid the traffic.
odebrać kogoś z
I arrive at 8.15. Do you think you could ____ me ___ at the station?
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pick up someone from
I arrive at 8.15. Do you think you could pick me up at the station?
podrzucić kogoś gdzieś
Can you ___ me ___ at the train station?
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to drop someone off
Can you drop me off at the train station?
zakończyć się czymś
Always check the address you put in your satnav or you may ___ ___ in the wrong place.
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end up with something
Always check the address you put in your satnav or you may end up in the wrong place.
kończyć się, brakować
We're going to ___ ___ of petrol soon. Let's stop at the next petrol station.
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to run out
We're going to run out of petrol soon. Let's stop at the next petrol station.
___ ___! You're going to crash!
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look out / watch out
Look out! You're going to crash!
spłacić pieniądze
Can I ___ you ___ the money you lent me next week?
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pay money back
Can I pay you back the money you lent me next week?
żyć na czyimś utrzymaniu
I have to ___ ___ my parents while I'm on university.
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live off
I have to live off my parents while I'm on university.
żyć z jednej pensji
It's difficult for me and my wife to ___ ___ only one salary.
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live on one salary
It's difficult for me and my wife to live on only one salary.
jeść poza domem
On Fridays we always ___ ___.
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to eat out
On Fridays we always eat out.
ograniczać coś (węglowodany)
I'm on a diet and I should ___ ___ ___ carbohydrates.
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to cut down on something (carbohydrates)
I'm on a diet and I should cut down on carbohydrates.
wyeliminować coś
The doctor told me that I should completely ___ ___ all cheese and dairy products from my diet.
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to cut out
The doctor told me that I should completely cut out all cheese and dairy products from my diet.
rozłączyć się (podczas rozmowy telefonicznej)
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hang up (during a phone call)
He's just hung up.
rozdzwonić się
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go off
His phone went off in the middle of a meeting. Has your phone ever gone off at a bad moment?

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