Phrasal verbs

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Zaprosić na randkę
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Invite for a date
He asked her out on a date.
wycofać się
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Back down
He refused to back down from his position.
wspierać, cofać
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Back up
I will back you up in the meeting. Please back up the car.
Zerwać z kimś
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Break up
They decided to break up after five years together.
zepsuć się
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Break down
The car broke down on the way to the airport.
załamać się
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Break down
She broke down in tears after hearing the news
włamać się
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Break into
Someone tried to break into our house last night.
Sprowadzać do czegoś
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Boils down to
The argument boils down to a misunderstanding.
przynieść coś
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Bring over
Could you bring over some snacks for the party?
poruszyć temat
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Bring up
She brought up an interesting point during the meeting.
Wychowywać kogoś
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Bring somebody up
She was brought up by her grandparents after her parents passed away.
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Bring sbd in
The company plans to bring in a new CEO.
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Bring in
The government plans to bring in new regulations
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Bring in
The new product is expected to bring in a lot of revenue
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bring back
Did you bring back the library book?
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Bring about
The new law will bring about significant changes.
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Bring out
The teacher's encouragement really brings out the best in her students.
Wtrącać się
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Butt in
Stop butting in when we're talking!
Odświeżyć wiedzę
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Brush up on
I need to brush up on my Spanish before the trip.
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Catch up with
I need to catch up with my old friends
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Call off
They had to call off the event due to bad weather.
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Call back
I’ll call you back later.
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Carry on
She decided to carry on with her studies despite the difficulties.
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Carry out
The scientist carried out the experiment successfully.
Wznosić się
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Come up
The sun comes up at 6:00 a.m.
Pojawić się
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Come up
A new issue came up during the meeting.
Wpaść na pomysł, zaproponować
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Come up with
She came up with a brilliant idea for the project.
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Come up with
We need to come up with a solution to this problem by tomorrow.
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Come down
The price of smartphones has come down recently.
wyjść na jaw
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Come out
The truth finally came out after years of secrecy.
Zdarzyć się
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Come about
How did this situation come about?
Odzyskać przytomność
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Come round
She fainted but came round after a few minutes.
Przestań to robić
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Cut it out
Cut it out! You're being annoying.
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Cut down on
I'm trying to cut down on sugar
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Cut off
They were cut off from the rest of the world during the storm.
obejść się bez
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Do without
I can do without coffee in the morning.
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Drag out
The meeting was dragged out for hours.
Zrezygnować z
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Drop out of
He dropped out of college to start his own business.
Przebierać się
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Dress up
The kids love to dress up as their favorite superheroes.
Remontować mieszkanie
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Do up a flat
They decided to do up the old flat before selling it.
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Die out
Many species of animals have died out due to habitat loss.
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End up
They ended up staying longer than they planned.
Zostać w tyle
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Fall behind
He fell behind in his studies due to illness.
Kłócić się z kimś
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Fall out with
She fell out with her best friend over a misunderstanding.
rozpaść się
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Fall apart
The old chair is starting to fall apart.
rozpaść się emocjonalnie
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Fall apart
After the breakup, she began to fall apart
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Fall down
The old building finally fell down after years of neglect.
Wygłupiać się
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Fool around
Stop fooling around and get to work.
Dowiedzieć się
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Find out
He found out the truth about the situation.
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Figure out
I can’t figure out how this machine works.
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Figure out
They worked all night to figure out the issue with the software.
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Freak out
She freaked out when she saw the spider.
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Freak out
Don't freak out, but I have some surprising news.

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