Phrasal verbs

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be about to
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be on the point of. I was about to leave when Mark arrived
be after
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want, try to gain, chase. The police are after him
be down with
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be ill with, go down with. My son was down with a cough
be for
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be in favour of. A breakfast in bed? I am all for it
be in for
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expect sth (usu bad) The weather forecast says we are in for heavy rain tonight
be off
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1) not want/like anymore 2) be absent (from school, work, etc.) She was off last week cause she was ill
be out
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1) be unfashionable 2) light/fire have stopped burning. Your shoes are out of style. The fire is out
be through with
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have ended a relationship, job etc. I am through with this work
be up to
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1) be capable of 2) feel like doing sth. What are you up to this time?
break down
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1) stop working. 2) lose control of feelings 3) fail. I am sorry I am late, my car has broken down. She broke down when she heard the tragic news
break in/into
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1) enter by force 2) interrupt. Thieves broke into the museum. I need to break in on their conversation
break off
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end a relationship/ agreement. She broke off our promise
break through
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advance. She has hopes of breaking through in her job soon
break to
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tell (usually bad news) to sb in a kind way. I don't want to be the one to break the news to him

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