phrasal verbs

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Domanda English Risposta English
oskarżać o coś
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blame sb for sth
I'm not to blame you for my problems
nie mieć nic wspólnego z
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To have nothing in common
I have nothing in common with my family away
brać coś za pewnik
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take sth for granted
you take your finnancial situation for granted
a little money
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short on money
I loose my job and I have short on money
z wyjatkiem
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with the exception of
I like my classmates with the exception of this one girl
w remoncie
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under construction
this bridge is under construction
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recover from
I recover from flu
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sort out
I sort out and some things had to change
nie mieć
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run out of
this shirts runs out of magazines
wymyślić coś
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figure out with
inventors want figure up solution
najlepszy w życiu
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best of lifetime
it was the best holiday of my lifetime
zacząć coś robić
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take up sth
we started take up a new sport
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burst of clarity
we had burst of clarity of new mathematical formula
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get over
I got over the flu
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come down with
I came down in the rush
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cut down on
I cut down on sugar for better health
odnieść sukces
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succeed in
I succeed in buissines
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he was a devoted husband
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I have admiration for all those involved in the project
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he tried to consolation team after the had failed the match
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the scientist was acclaimed by local goverment
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he is held us as an object of ridicule

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