Phrasal verbs

 0    20 schede    magdalenafievet
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Domanda English Risposta English
look forward
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early wait for
cut down
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sum up
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go over
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put forward
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propose, suggest
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hand out
lay off
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dismiss (zwolnic)
get on to
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make contact with
set up
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get out
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leave, escape
get down to
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begin to do sth
gets away with
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escape blame or punishment
come up with
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think of or produce (an idea, solution, etc.)
pull out of
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withdraw from (retirer de, wycofać z)
knock off
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leave work to go home
stand out
être perceptible)
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be noticeable (
slack off
se relâcher)
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work less hard than usual (
do under
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go bankrupt
fall through
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finish off
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dobić, dokończyć, wykańczać, głuszyć

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