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trzymać się
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hold on
Hold on to the railing when you're on the stairs. / Hold on! I'll only be a minute.
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switch off
Please switch off the lights when you leave.
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leave out
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fall out
My brother fell out of bed a lot when he was little.
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get up
Everybody gets up at different times in our house.
włączać się (głośno)
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go off
I get out of bed as soon as my alarm goes off.
założyć (ubranie), włączać (muzykę, światło), wystawiać (sztukę)
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put on
Put on your coat before you go out.
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get on
przejść przez coś / przedostać się przez coś, poradzić sobie z czymś
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to get over sth
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to go down
zachorować na coś
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to go down with sth
wchodzić w skład
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make up
składać się z czegoś
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to be made up of sth
New York is made up of people from all over the world.
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to put out
It's my job to put out the rubbish each week.
usadawiać się, ustabilizować się
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to settle down
I settled down to read a book
uspokajać kogoś
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to settle sb down
udzielić schronienia, nabierać
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to take in
He was homeless so we took him in.
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to take off
He took of my wet boots and made me sit by the fire.
budzić się
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to wake up

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