phrasal verbs

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Put off
let's put off our meeting for later or let's put off our boxes to another place. I don't like put things off for later
zabrać się za coś
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Get round to
now I getting round to study 😃
obejść się bez
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do without
opiekować się
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to look after
okazać się
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turn out
you won't guess what turned out
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to go on
popisywać się/pochwalić się
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show off
I'm gonna show of my new hairstyle. Stop showing off!!!
obejść się bez
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do without
i can do without it 😜
zostać w tyle
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fall behind
You had better don't fall behind 😅
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to think over
All I ask is you to think over my proposal
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put up with
She is so rude, I don't know how you put up with her
ujść na sucho
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get away with
at least - przynajmniej
At least you won't get away with it 😜
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call off
How could you call off our tomorrow's date
zmienić zdanie
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come around
Change your mind/Change your opinion of something
You can always come around if you want but no pressure

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