Mr. Dave said, let's "set" after 4th of July the date for the voting. - - - - - - - - to Set. inizia ad imparare
Mr. Dave said, let's (- -) after 4th of July the date for the voting. --------- Fijar una fecha, establecer una fecha, poner una fecha a algo. to arrange or fix something as a date; to decide on something.
Chava said, I've "set" myself to finish the job by the end of the month. --------- SET. inizia ad imparare
Setty said, I've (- -) myself to finish the job by the end of the month. --------- fijar una fecha, establecer una fecha, poner una fecha a algo. to arrange or fix something as a date; to decide on something.
The German scientific said that recent lack of funding has "set back" research on the disease. --------- SET BACK. inizia ad imparare
The German said that recent lack of funding has (- -) back research on the disease. --------- SET BOFF, SET, BACK, SET DOWN. Complicar, obstaculiar, retroceder... to make the progress of (something or someone) slower or more difficult: to cause (something or someone) to go back to an earlier or worse condition.
Mr, Backa said, If the law is reversed, it will SET us BACK 20 years. ------------------ SET BACK. inizia ad imparare
Mr, Backa said, If the law is reversed, it will SET us (- -) 20 years. ------------------ Retroceder y perjudicar, complicar, obstaculiar. to make the progress of (something or someone) slower or more difficult: to cause (something or someone) to go back to an earlier or worse condition.
Mr, Setty the antiques appraiser "set" the value of the chair at $500. --------- to set. inizia ad imparare
Mr, Setty the antiques appraiser (- -) the value of the chair at $500. --------- Poner un precio, establecer un precio, poner un precio, marcar un precio, fijar un precio a algo. to give (a particular price or value) to something.
Mr, Setty said, If you "set" your prices too high, no one will buy your products. --------- to set. inizia ad imparare
Mr, Setty said, If you (- -) your prices too high, no one will buy your products. ---------
Mr, Setty said, let's set the price of the shirt at twenty dollars. --------- to set. inizia ad imparare
Mr, Setty said, let's (- -) the price of the shirt at twenty dollars. ---------
Mr Backa said, we could only get seats at the "back" of the theatre. --------- back. inizia ad imparare
Mr Backa said, we could only get seats at the (- -) of the theatre. ---------
Mr Backa said, we they're going to camp out in the "back" woods. --------- back. inizia ad imparare
Mr Backa said, we they're going to camp out in the (- -) woods.