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We have to keep banging away if we want to finish on time. ------- bang away.
Trabajar duro. to work with determined effort.
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Trabajar duro. to work with determined effort.
Students banging away at their homework. ------- bang away.
My neighbour is a keen drummer; I hear him banging away throughout the day and night. ------- bang away.
Aporrear, golpear duro. to attack persistently.
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Aporrear, golpear duro. to attack persistently.
The detectives banged away at him for hours. ------- bang away.
The chalk cliffs are being eaten away slowly by the action of the sea. ------- eat away or eat into.
Carcomer, desgastar, erosionar. to gradually destroy something.
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Carcomer, desgastar, erosionar. to gradually destroy something.
Within a few years inflation had eaten away all the economic gains. ------- eat away or eat into.
The smartly dressed young man always had the latest clothes. ------- Smartly dressed.
Bien vestido con elegancia.
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Bien vestido con elegancia.
Smartly dressed 20-somethings were working away on laptops. ------- Smartly dressed.
Lalo squirrels away part of her salary every month, so she'll have some money if she ever needs it. ------- squirrel away.
Guardar. esconder. to put something away in a secret place, especially money.
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Guardar. esconder. to put something away in a secret place, especially money.
The family had a large fortune squirrelled away. ------- squirrel away.
The campaigners have promised to keep pounding away at the council until the decision to build the road is reversed. ------- pound away.
Golpetear. to hit something/somebody hard many times, especially in a way that makes a lot of noise.
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Golpetear. to hit something/somebody hard many times, especially in a way that makes a lot of noise.
The young drummer pounded away at his drums, while dreaming of being a famous rock drummer. ------- pound away.
Julian pounded away all night at his computer, writing the report. ------- pound away.
Trabajar duro. to hit something/somebody hard many times, especially in a way that makes a lot of noise
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Trabajar duro. to hit something/somebody hard many times, especially in a way that makes a lot of noise
The factory's machinery pounded away day and night. ------- pound away.
Jose Jimenez told his children to "stay away" from the dog because he knew it was dangerous and might bite them. ------- stay away.
Mantenerse alejado. to avoid something that has a bad effect on you. (see also: keep away from).
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Mantenerse alejado. to avoid something that has a bad effect on you. (see also: keep away from).
I think he should stay away from drugs of any sort. ------- stay away.
The government should do away with taxes for poor people if they can’t afford to pay them. ------- do away with sth.
Eliminar algo, acabar con algo. to get rid of something, or to stop using something.
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Eliminar algo, acabar con algo. to get rid of something, or to stop using something.
These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with years ago. ------- do away with sth.
We caught a young guy stealing from our shop. He struggled and got away before the police arrived, but they’re looking for him now. ------- get away.
Escaparse, escabullirse. to escape from a person or place.
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Escaparse, escabullirse. to escape from a person or place.
I was almost mugged but I managed to get away. ------- get away.
We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds. ------- get away.
Largarse, irse por ahí. to go somewhere different from where you live in order to have a rest or a holiday.
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Largarse, irse por ahí. to go somewhere different from where you live in order to have a rest or a holiday.
Sometimes it's not until you "get away" that you appreciate what you left behind. ------- get away.

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