Phrasal verbs 26 - 50

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El director cortó la última escena después de las críticas.
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to cut out
The director cut out the last scene after critics.
El agua está demasiado fría para bucear/para sumergirse.
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to dive in
The water is too cold to dive in.
La abuela ató los cordones de sus nietos.
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to do up
The grandma did up her grandson's shoelaces.
Dejamos nuestro equipaje en el hotel y nos fuimos de excursión.
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to drop off
We dropped our luggage off at the hotel and went sightseeing.
Corrió hacia el coche y se marchó.
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to drive off
He ran to the car and drove off.
Me gustaría visitar la casa de mi abuela.
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to drop in
I'd like to drop by my grandmother's house.
Has abandonado tus estudios demasiado pronto.
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to drop out
You have dropped out your studies too early.
comer fuera
Me gustaría comer fuera esta noche, no quiero cocinar.
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to eat out
I'd like to eat out tonight, I don't want to cook.
Tomé la dircción equivocada y terminé en un distrito desconocido.
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to end up
I took the wrong direction and I ended up in an unknown district.
Me peleé con un amigo.
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to fall out
I fell out with a friend.
Si llena la solicitud para hoy, recibirá la respuesta mañana.
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to fill out
also: to fill in
If you fill out the application by today you will get the answer tomorrow.
Acabo de descubrir que mi vuelo ha sido cancelado.
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to find out
I've just found out that my flight has been canceled.
Termina tus tareas primero y puedes salir.
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to finish off
Finish off your homework first and you can go out.
Mi padre acaba de arreglar el televisor.
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to fix up
My father has just fixed up the TV set.
Me las arreglé para escapar antes de que empezara a llover.
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to get away
I managed to get away before it started to rain.
Presté mi libro y nunca lo recuperé.
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to get back
I lent my book and never got it back.
No puede arreglárselas con su salario por mucho más tiempo.
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to get by
He can't get by with his salary for much longer.
No esperes en la puerta, ¡entra!
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to get in
Don't wait on the door, get in!
subirse a
¡Sube al primer autobús!
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to get on
Get on the first bus!
Salimos antes de que la policía llegara.
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to get out
We got out before the police arrived.
Regalé mi camiseta favorita.
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to give away
I gave away my favourite T-shirt.
¡Veamos qué está pasando!
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to go on
Let's see what's going on!
La bomba estalló cerca de la embajada.
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to go off
The bomb went off near the embassy.
Nunca vas a ganar, sólo debes rendirte.
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to give up
You are never going to win, you should just give up.
Me gustaría salir a la ciudad esta noche.
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to go out
I would like to go out in the city tonight.

Il corso comprende anche le seguenti serie di schede:

Phrasal verbs 1 - 25Phrasal verbs 51 - 75Phrasal verbs 76 - 100

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