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wyskoczyć gdzieś
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to pop out
I need to pop out to the loo.
ślinić się
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to drool over
zabrać ze sobą (kogoś)
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to take ALONG
I'm taking my friends along on my journey.
spakować swoje rzeczy
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to pack UP your things
zjawić się na czas
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to show UP on time
pokazać naszyjnik
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to show off neklace
zakładać naszyjnik na szyję
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to put neklace around your neck
zrezygnować z robienia czegoś
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give up doing something
to give up wearing jewelry
1. introduce sth to the public for the first time. 2. to get out of bed.
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to roll out
It's possible to roll out French language in the BeeSpeaker in the future.
1. wynieść np. śmieci 2. wyjąć coś z czegoś 3. usunąć
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to take out
Do I need to take it out?
wylegiwać się, próżnować, leniuchować
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to lounge AROUND
lounging around
to spend time
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to hang out
to hang out with fam
nadrobić zaległości
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to catch up on the shortcomings
zebrać się wokół
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gather around
to prepare something for example meal
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to whip up sth
1. to whip up something to eat. 2. to whip up some breakfast. 3. When you whip it up?

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