phrasal verbs 1

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sprawiać kłopoty, nawalać, nie funkcjonować poprawnie (np. o sprzęcie)
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act up
I think I need to take my car to the mechanic because it's acting up.
zsumować, podliczyć (na przykład utarg, wpływy kasowe)
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add up
I added up the receipts and it totaled $135.45.
wynosić, stanowić, składać się
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add up to
The total expenses added up to $1000.
zgadzać się, mieć sens
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add up
Her story doesn't add up. I think she is lying.
zaprosić, zaprosić na randkę
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ask out
Joe finally asked me out on a date.
zaprosić kogoś do siebie
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ask over
Why don't we ask the Johnsons over for dinner?
ustąpić, wycofywać się, dać za wygraną (w kłótni)
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back down
Jane never backs down. She always wins arguments.
wycofać się, zrezygnować, nie dotrzymać czegoś
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back out
Sam backed out at the last second.
wycofać się z
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back out of
Sam backed out od the agreement at the last second.
popierać, stanowić uzasadnienie dla
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back up
You need example to back up your opinion.
cofnąć się
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back up
Could you back up a little so I can open this drawer.
zwymyślać, opieprzyć kogoś
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bawl out
She bawled him out for arriving late.
zacisnąć zęby, znieść coś bez narzekania
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bear down on
The soldier had to bear down on the leather strap while the doctor removed a bullet from the soldier's arm.
przeciwdziałać czemuś
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bear down on
The U.S. A is bearing down on drug traffickers.
włamać się
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breake in
wlamać się, ale nie jest okreslone gdzie dokladnie
The burglar broke in between midnight amd 3 AM
wtrącać się do
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breake into
James broke into the conversation and told us what he knew.
wtrącać się do czegoś, przerywać coś
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break in on something
Jane broke in on conversation and told us to get back to work.
włamać się do
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break into
The burglar broke into the house between midnight amd 3 AM.
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break off
Sally broke her engagement to John off.
uciekać z
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break out of
The murderer broke out of the prison.
połamać (na kawałki)
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break up
I broke the cracker up into pieces and put in the soup.
zerwać z kimś
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break up
Sam and Diane broke up again.
rozproszyć, przerwać, położyć kres
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break up
The police broke the demostration up before it got out of control.
spowodować, przyczynić się
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bring about
Democracy brought about great change in the lives of the people.
przynieść ze sobą
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bring along
When we go to the forest, bring your wildlife guide along.
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bring around
She doesn't want to go, but we'll eventually bring her around.
wybuchać (o wojnie)
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break out
Violent protest broke out in response to the military coup.
szarpnąć się na coś (finansowo)
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break out
He broke out the champagne to celebrate his promotion.
wynieść coś z tego (mieć z tego jakieś doświadczenie)
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bring away

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