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to stand out from the crowd
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wyróżniać się z tłumu
a degree
I'd like to have a degree in law from one of the best schools in the country.
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stopień naukowy
Chciałbym mieć dyplom prawa z jednej z najlepszych szkół w kraju.
to remain in the shadow
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pozostać w cieniu
He's an asshole.
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Jest dupkiem.
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to praise somebody
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chwalić kogoś
They like to be praised.
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Lubią być chwaleni.
at least
At least it's not raining.
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Przynajmniej nie pada.
at last
They came at last.
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w końcu
W końcu przyszli.
to some extent = to certain extent
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w pewnym stopniu
in a certain town = in some town
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w pewnym mieście
I'm certain. = I'm sure.
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Jestem pewny.
an ability to make decisions
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umiejętność podejmowania decyzji
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results at school
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wyniki w szkole
By the way,
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Przy okazji,

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