Personal Finance 1409

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the amount you pay for using someone else's money
Nasza pożyczka jest oprocentowana na 10% w stosunku rocznym.
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interest rate
Yearly, interest rate of our loan is 10%.
a plan for how you will spend your money each month
Nasz budżet został zatwierdzony.
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Our budget has been approved.
a part of a whole
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payments to a company where the company promises to pay money if the person is injured or dies, or to pay money if property is damaged, lost, or stolen
Będziesz musiał wykupić ubezpieczenie od nieszczęśliwych wypadków.
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You'll need to take out accident insurance.
an amount of money that is given to someone for a period of time with a promise that it will be paid back
Większość ludzi musi wziąć kredyt, by kupić samochód.
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Most people need to take a loan to buy a car.
when you borrow money to buy something
Kupiliśmy samochód na kredyt.
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We bought a car on credit.
an amount of money that is loaned to someone and that can earn interest
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money you earn at work before taxes are taken out
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gross pay
money you earn at work after taxes are taken out
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net pay/take-home pay
a legal agreement that lets someone use a car, house, etc., for a period of time in return for payment
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a part of a legal document
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money taken from your paycheck to support people who are retired
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Social Security Tax/FICA
someone who takes something with the promise to give it back
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a short document describing your education, work history, etc., that you give an employer when you are applying for a job
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a tax form you complete to let your employer know how much money to take from your paycheck for federal taxes.
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W-4 form
a person (such as a child) whose food, clothing, etc., you are responsible for providing
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a part of your income that is not taxed
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a number that is used to predict how likely you are to pay back a loan on time.
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credit score/FICO
money you owe to someone
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things that are owned by a person or company
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a legal document in which a person states who should receive his or her possessions after he or she dies
Przyjdziesz dziś wieczorem na imprezę?
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Will you come to the party tonight?
give out something for a special reason or to particular people or companies
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to allocate (verb)
services provided by outside companies that allow you to live in comfort
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an amount taken off a regular price
W niektórych krajach powinieneś prosić o obniżkę w trakcie zakupów.
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In some countries you should ask for a discount when you're shopping.
something that is added on to something else
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what you own
Nie wolno kraść czyjejś własności.
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You mustn't steal somebody's property.
money paid at a particular rate for the use of money lent, or for delaying the repayment of a debt.
Płacimy około 100 funtów odsetek na miesiąc.
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We pay about £100 interest a month.
sign (a document) in order to guarantee a loan or other obligation.
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a person or company to whom money is owed.
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facts and statistics
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a standard by which you measure or judge something
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