people and personality 1

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sb who is good at everything, omnibus
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sb standing neat sth (accident or crime) świadek, widz
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sb who gets a thrill out of takin unnecessary risks, śmiałek
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sb who goes to a party without an invitation
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sb who is no longer famous, była gwiazda
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sb who is under the age of full legal responsibility, nieletni
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sb who likes mentioning the names of famous people to impress other people
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sb who takes advantage of any situation, in any way, to get on
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an opportunist
sb who always knows the right answer to such an extend that other people find it annoying, mądrala
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smart alec
a middle or upper class person who thinks they are better than people from a lower class,
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a snob
sb who ruins the fun and enjoyment of the others, party pooper, maruder
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a spoilsport
sb who lives in an empty building without permission and paying rent, dziki lokator
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a squatter
a young girl who enjoys doing the same things as boys
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a tomboy
sb who causes trouble, łobuz,
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a troublemaker
weak and pathetic person, mięczak
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a wimp
a young professional person who earns a lot of money, młody karierowicz
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a yuppy

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