
 0    20 schede    lukaszdembinski
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Take advantage of something
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wykorzystać (negatywnie)
She took advantage of this situation
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ona wykorzystała sytuację
He took advantage of her
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on wykorzystał ją
Make use of something
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zrobić z czegoś użytek, wykorzystać - neutralne
I will make use of this situation
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festive atmosphere
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świąteczny, biesiadny...
Spaced out (person)
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They are inspired with/by jewish and balcan folk music
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There is seven of them
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Jest ich siedmiu
Exposure is the same as presenation
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I will expose my new project
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Be capable of doing something
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być w stanie coś zrobić / być zdolnym do czegoś
I’m not capable of paying you that much
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Nie jestem w stanie zapłacić tak dużo
We are capable of playing 2 concerts in a row
Be capable of doing somtehing it's the same as Be able to do sth
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Jesteśmy w stanie zagrać 2 koncerty z rzędu
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I’m expanding my company.
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Rozbudowuję swoją firmę.
Womex is expanding.
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Womex się rozwija.
She expanded her horizons
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take part in
I took part in the concert
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wziąć udział w
virtually is the same as almost
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prawie, niemalże praktycznie

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