Paula 8th June (50 min)

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Dziękuję, że pytasz.
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Thank you for asking.
preposition + verb+ing
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a performance
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a fairy
wróżka zębuszka
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a tooth fairy
Dała radę.
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She did well. / She did a great job.
To mnie uszczęśliwiło.
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It made me happy.
Oni zaśpiewali angielską piosenkę.
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They sang an English song.
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słuchać radia
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to listen to the radio
How often do you listen to the radio?
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The audience was clapping for 10 minutes.
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One nie są przyzwyczajone do tego.
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They are not used to that.
mieć kogoś / czegoś dosyć
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to be fed up with sth/sb
Mam dosyć twojego zachowania.
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I'm fed up with your behaviour.
Spędziłam cały dzień z Różą i Marcinem.
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I spent the whole day with Róża and Marcin.
i poszliśmy na plac zabaw
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and we went to the playground
do NOT say: ON the playground
Jestem na placu zabaw.
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I'm AT the playground.
Jestem na imprezie.
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I'm at the party.
do NOT say: ON the party
Moja książka jest na stole.
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My book is on the table.
Twoje skarpetki są na ziemi.
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Your socks are on the floor.
na ziemi
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on the ground
na dachu
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on the roof
Szykuje się na imprezę.
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I'm getting ready for THE party.
Masz mniej więcej trzydzieści lat.
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You are in your mid thirties.
Jeśli będzie gorąco w weekend, pojadę na plażę.
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If it's hot this weekend, I'll go to the beach.
jeszcze nie
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not yet
Przetańcie krzyczeć na siebie.
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Stop shouting at each other.
Każda sukienka była naprawdę droga.
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Each dress was really expensive.
każde pytanie
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each question
wszystkie pytania
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all questions

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