Paula 4th March

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Nie mogę narzekać.
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I can't complain.
narzekać na coś
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to complain about sth
Przestań narzekać na rodziców.
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Stop complaining about your parents.
Spotkałam się z ciotką.
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I met up with my aunt.
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an aunt
Poszliśmy na spacer.
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We went for a walk.
Nie mam czasu.
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I don't have time.
Do NOT say: I don't have A time.
Pochodzę z Polski. / Ja jestem z Polski.
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I COME from Poland. / I'm from Poland.
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a company
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a pikeperch
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chips / French fries
Już go nie kocham.
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I don't love him anymore.
numer telefonu
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a number phone
What's your phone number?
On zaprosił mnie (na randkę).
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He asked me out.
spotkać się z kimś
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to meet up with sb
poznać kogoś
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to meet sb
Would you like to meet my sister?
I met her in Hawaii.
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He spent most of his money on liquor and drugs.
sklep monopolowy
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a liquor store / off-licence BrE
Czy mogę prosić o trochę wody z kranu?
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Can I please have some tap water?
Pozostanę przy wodzie.
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I'll stick with water.
Powiedz jeszcze raz, proszę. / Przepraszam?
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Say again, please. / Pardon?
do NOT say: WHAT?
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We sell 32 different flavours of ice cream.
What's your favourite ice-cream flavour?
Podobało mi się.
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I liked it.
ściszyć coś
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to turn sth down
Can you please turn the music down?
łaskotać kogoś
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to tickle sb
Przestań mnie łaskotać.
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Stop tickling me.
Kiedy mieszkałem w Hiszpanii, cały czas jadłem poza domem.
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When I lived in Spain, I used to eat out all the time.
On nie je mięsa.
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He doesn't eat meat.
Nie jestem pewny.
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I'm not sure.
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I prefer meat TO falafels.
robić zdjęcia / mieć zdjęcia
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to do shots / to have shots
On urodził się we Francji.
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He was born in France.
to jest podejrzane
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it's suspicious
Her behaviour was very suspicious.
On chciałby spotkać się w poniedziałek.
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He'd like to meet up on Monday.
albo w poniedziałek, albo we wtorek
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either on Mon or on Tue
Od dwóch lat mieszka w Warszawie.
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He has been living in Warsaw FOR two years.
He has been living in Warsaw SINCE 2022.
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to nie jest właściwe / stosowne (zachowanie)
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it's not appropriate
Is this film appropriate for small children?

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