Paula 29th April (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
Nie ma sprawy.
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No problem at all. / That's all right.
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Are you nuts?
Zrobiłam notatki.
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I took notes.
jest wpół do czwartej
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it's half past three
to jest mój priorytet
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it's my priority
Zapomniałam podlać moje warzywa.
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I forgot to water my veggies.
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veggies / vegetables
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comfortable / comfy
Zapomniałam podlać moje kwiatki.
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I forgot to water my plants.
Zapomniałam o jego urodzinach.
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I forgot about his birthday.
Zapomniałam jego numer telefonu.
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I forgot his phone number.
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weird / stranger
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a weirdo
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a stranger
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a sweater / a jumper
pocić się
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to sweat
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Your trousers ARE really cool.
Ile kosztują tamte spodnie?
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How much do those trousers cost?
okłamywać kogoś
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to lie to sb
Stop lying to me.

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