Patryk 22nd Sept

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Domanda Risposta
najlepszy moment dnia / weekendu
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a highlight
What was the highlight of your weekend?
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Najważniejszym momentem mojego tygodnia był zakup nowego telefonu.
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The highlight of my week was buying a new phone.
Dlaczego kupiłeś nowy telefon?
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Why did you buy a new phone?
zepsuć się
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to break down - broke down - broken down
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to buy - bought - bought
Ile zapłaciłeś za swój telefon?
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How much did you pay for you phone?
Ile kosztuje ten telefon?
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How much is this phone? / How much DOES this phone cost?
Umyłem zęby.
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I brushed my teeth.
szukać czegoś
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to look for sth / to search for sth
What are you looking for?
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to choose - chose - chosen
a potem / a następnie
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and then

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