Patricija 27th Nov

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Domanda Risposta
to invite sb (over)
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zaprosić kogoś
to go for a WALK
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iść na spacer
It was very cold.
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Było bardzo zimno.
We had some tea.
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Wypiliśmy herbatę.
go on / carry on
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that's all
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to wszystko
that's all right
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wszystko w porządku / nie ma sprawy (gdy, ktoś nas przeprasza)
I had a headache.
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Bolała mnie głowa.
I'm having a lesson with you now.
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Mam z tobą lekcję teraz.
I'm learning English.
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Uczę się angielskiego teraz.
He has a stomach ache.
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Boli go brzuch.
a fridge
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Do you like chocolate?
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Lubisz czekoladę?
Does she like chocolate?
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Czy ona lubi czekoladę?
What's your favourite vegetable?
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Jakie jest twoje ulubione warzywo?
What's your favourite colour?
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Jaki jest Twój ulubiony kolor?
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What's his favourite sport?
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Jaki jest jego ulubiony sport?
please repeat
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proszę powtórz
Spell it again, please.
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Przeliteruj to jeszcze raz, proszę.
Repeat it, please.
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Powtórz to, proszę.
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