Pan Monk i Wróżka

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Domanda Risposta
a veterinarian
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a press pass
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przepustka prasowa
Are you on the list?
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Czy jesteś na liście?
My prayers are with you.
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Moje modlitwy są z wami.
to mean the world to somebody
Your words mean the world to me.
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znaczyć dla kogoś cały świat
to be available 24/7
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być dostępnym 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu
If worse comes to worse, I'll be by your side.
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Jeśli będzie gorzej, będę przy tobie.
to be a real asset
experience is their main asset
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być prawdziwym atutem
Welcome aboard, detective.
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Witamy na pokładzie, detektywie.
Hell's bells!
interjection informal (used to indicate vexation or surprise)
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Do diaska!
a bunco trick
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a quack
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znachor, konował; szarlatan
Don't complicate things.
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Nie komplikuj rzeczy.
to believe in psychics
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wierzyć w jasnowidzów
to move a seat forward
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przesunąć siedzenie do przodu
I have no intention of...
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Nie mam zamiaru...
to take the liberty of doing something
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pozwolić sobie na zrobienie czegoś
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to have a crap
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wysrać się
to hold an inquest
The inquest is over, Monk.
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przeprowadzić dochodzenie
a mudslide
A mudslide covered Mrs Ashcome's car.
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lawina błotna
a flake
an eccentric person
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płatek; dziwadło
a jacket
mainly US a folder or envelope to hold documents
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to collar
informal to seize; arrest; detain; to make a collar
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a memorial service
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nabożeństwo żałobne
to appreciate somebody's offer
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docenić czyjąś ofertę
a two-hander
Did you see that? It was a two-hander.
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(uścisk dloni przy powitaniu) dwuręczny
Don't make a scene.
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Nie rób scen.
to have the opposite reaction
I guess I had the opposite reaction. I haven't throw anything of Trudy's away.
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mieć odwrotną reakcję
to comb through something
I don't want to live in a world where a person can't comb through another person's mail.
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przeczesać coś
to wise up
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to despise somebody
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gardzić kimś
a looney, loony, luny
offensive a mentally disordered person
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wariat, wariat, szaleniec
I heard footsteps approaching.
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Usłyszałem zbliżające się kroki.
Excuse the mess.
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Wybacz bałagan.
to knock somebody up
My cleaning girl got herself knocked up by some guy from Paraguay.
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zrobić komuś dziecko
restless feet
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niespokojne stopy
Here on the planet Earth, there's a dead woman...
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Tutaj, na planecie Ziemia, jest martwa kobieta...
to drive off the highway
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zjechać z autostrady
a buzzkill, a buzzkiller
slang someone or something that stops people from enjoying themselves
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a homicide investigation
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śledztwo w sprawie zabójstwa
to sweep up the snow
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zamiatać śnieg
to rummage through something
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przeszukiwać coś (np. śmieci)
I'm not much of a pet person.
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Nie jestem typem osoby, która lubi zwierzęta.
an accidental death policy
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polisa na wypadek śmierci w wyniku nieszczęśliwego wypadku
You're in my way.
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Stoisz mi na drodze.
to aid and abet
She was accused of aiding and abetting him in his crimes.
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pomóc w dokonaniu czegoś
a rap sheet
mainly US and Canadian informal a police record of an individual's criminal history. I've seen your rap sheet. You're not exactly Mother Teresa.
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kartoteka przestępcza
nickel and dime
That is just nickel and dime stuff! Come on!
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niewiele wart
a sham
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fikcja, ściema, lipa
a late bloomer
a person who matures, achieves proficiency in some field or skill, etc. later than such a person is normally expected to
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roślina kwitnąco późno; osoba, która coś osiąga w późnym wieku
to make a bloomer
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strzelić gafę
to have a sleepover at somebody's house
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spędzić noc u kogoś w domu
to sleep around
If you say that someone sleeps around, you disapprove of them because they have sex with a lot of different people.
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puszczać się na prawo i lewo
to accuse somebody of something to their face
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oskarżyć kogoś o coś prosto w twarz
to grab a poker
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chwycić pogrzebacz
to straddle
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siedzieć okrakiem na
Could somebody answer the question, somebody other than myself?
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Czy mógłby ktoś odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, ktoś inny niż ja?
to take medication to help you sleep
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brać leki, które pomagają zasnąć
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Let me advise you of your rights. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to the attorney.
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Pozwól, że poinformuję cię w sprawie Twoich praw. Masz prawo zachować milczenie, wszystko, co powiesz, może zostać wykorzystane przeciwko Tobie w sądzie. Masz prawo do adwokata.
to be sceptical about something
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być sceptycznym wobec czegoś
a fake
How did you know she was a fake?
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Don't pet the dog.
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Nie głaskaj psa.

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