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Suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future. amenazante, de mal agüero ?. Those clouds look very (om - -); I reckon there's going to be a storm. inizia ad imparare
Ominous... Those clouds look very ominous; I reckon there's going to be a storm.
to make (someone) quiet, calm, or still.? The teacher said, (hu - -) everyone, I'm trying to explain. inizia ad imparare
Hush... The teacher said, hush everyone, I'm trying to explain.
to cover (something) with a veil or with something that is like a veil: to hide or partly hide (something). Cubrir, tapar ?. Her eyes were partially (ve - -) by her long, dark hair. inizia ad imparare
Veil... Her eyes were partially "veiled" by her long, dark hair.
a large country house on a large piece of land. Mansion?. This weekend, I will slip away from the city and visit my (m - -) in the country. inizia ad imparare
manor... This weekend, I will slip away from the city and visit my manor in the country.
to speak very softly or quietly. Susurrar ?. Nichol (wh - -) that she was sorry. inizia ad imparare
Whisper... Nichol whispered that she was sorry.
to tangle a mass of threads, etc. into a single thread or threads. enredar?. The playful cat (ra - -) the yarn. inizia ad imparare
Ravel... The playful cat raveled the yarn.
Something that covers or hides something. Cubrir, tapar?. Thick fog (sh - -) the mountain. inizia ad imparare
Shroud... Thick fog shrouded the mountain.
to find the correct explanation for (something that is difficult to understand); to becomes known or understood. descubrir, desifrar?. The detective managed to (un - -) the mystery. inizia ad imparare
Unravel... The detective managed to unravel the mystery.
to predict or give a warning about something bad that is likely to happen. presagiar, augurar o prever algo malo?. Waves as huge as these usually (for - -) a hurricane. inizia ad imparare
Forebode... Waves as huge as these usually forebode a hurricane.
to decay, decompose, or deteriorate over time. Podrirse, echarse a perder?. They approached the imposing (ro - -) iron gates. inizia ad imparare
Rot... They approached the imposing rot iron gates.
a person who is very wise. Sabio ?. The old (se - -) gave us valuable advice about life. inizia ad imparare
Sage... The old sage gave us valuable advice about life.
a feeling that something bad is going to happen. Presentimiento, corazonada ?. My (for - -) proved accurate when the walls began to crumble. inizia ad imparare
Foreboding... My foreboding proved accurate when the walls began to crumble.
to make a sound like the sound of an old door when it opens or closes. rechinar, rechinido.?. The loud (cr - -) of the door spooked the cat. inizia ad imparare
Creak... The loud creak of the door spooked the cat.
to move slightly or to change your opinion or decision — usually used in negative statements?. George Ramos said, there's no use in trying to change Trump's mind about politics; he just simply won't (bud - -). inizia ad imparare
Budge... George Ramos said, there's no use in trying to change Trump's mind about politics; he simply won't budge.
If you leave fruit out for too long, it will ______. to decay, decompose, or deteriorate over time. Podrirse, echarse a perder. inizia ad imparare
rot... If you leave fruit out for too long, it will rot.
Does "rot" mean to stay fresh or to decay?. If you leave meat out of the fridge for too long, it will rot. inizia ad imparare
to decay, decompose, or deteriorate over time.
to tangle a mass of threads, etc. into a single thread or threads. Enredar, enredarse?. The edge of my scarf started to ra ______ after washing it too many times. inizia ad imparare
Ravel... The edge of my scarf started to ravel after washing it too many times.
to become or to make someone or something more confused?. enredar, confundir, enredarse?. The relationship between the two families continued to rav ______ as misunderstandings grew. inizia ad imparare
Ravel... The relationship between the two families continued to (ravel) as misunderstandings grew.
Does "shroud" mean to be clearly visible or it mean hidden, covered or obscured ?. Thick fog (sh - - ed) the mountain tops. inizia ad imparare
hidden or covered or obscured, often in a mysterious or dramatic way. Thick fog shrouded the mountain tops.
Something that covers or hides something. Cubrir, tapar?. The details of his disappearance remain (sh ____ed) in mystery. inizia ad imparare
Shroud... The details of his disappearance remain shrouded in mystery.
Something that covers or hides something. Cubrir, tapar?. Her face was (sh __ __ed) in sadness as she read the letter. inizia ad imparare
Shroud... Her face was shrouded in sadness as she read the letter.
Something that covers or hides something. Cubrir, tapar?. Thick fog began to sh ______ the city. inizia ad imparare
Shroud... Thick fog began to "shroud" the city.
Does stopover and layover means to continue your jorney without stops or to a stop a brief stay in the course of a journey?. inizia ad imparare
a brief stay in the course of a journey. Escala.
Does “shroud” mean to cover, envelop or conceal from view or to uncover from view?. inizia ad imparare
to cover, envelop or conceal from view. Cubrir, tapar.
to push someone or something with force in a rough or careless way. Empujar ?. Helen (sh- -) the chair out of her way. inizia ad imparare
Shove... Helen shoved the chair out of her way.
to push someone or something with force in a rough or careless way. Empujar ?. Oliver Oliver (sh- -) the paperwork into his bag. inizia ad imparare
Shove... Oliver shoved (shoved) the paperwork into his bag.
to push someone or something with force in a rough or careless way. Empujar ?. A large man (sh- -) me out of the way. inizia ad imparare
Shove... A large man (shoved) me out of the way. empujar. dar un empujón. to push (someone or something) with force and along or away in a rough or careless way.
to spread out or to move freely throughout a large area. difundir, exparsir?. photographer uses a screen to (diff - -) the light. inizia ad imparare
Diffuse...... photographer uses a screen to (diffuse) the light.
to spreaded out or to move freely throughout a large area. difundido, exparsido?. The forest was filled with a soft, (diff - -) light. inizia ad imparare
Diffuse...... The forest was filled with a soft, (diffuse) light.
to spreaded out or to move freely throughout a large area. difundido, exparsido?. The plant's roots are very delicate and (diff - -). inizia ad imparare
Diffuse...... The plant's roots are very delicate and (diffuse).
to spread out over a large space. not concentrated in one area. Difundir, dispersar, expandir.?. The filter causes the lamp's beam to (diff - -). inizia ad imparare
Diffuse...... The filter causes the lamp's beam to (diffuse). The filter causes the lamp's beam to (diff).
unreliable or inconsistent. inconsistente, que inspira desconfianza?. Flavio said, I wouldn't employ Juan and Erick, they’re too (fla -- -- ). inizia ad imparare
Flaky... Flavio said, I wouldn't employ Juan and Erick, they’re too (flaky).
Consisting of flakes. hojaldrado, con hojuelas?. They served delicious (fla- -) croissants for breakfast. inizia ad imparare
Flaky... They served delicious (flaky) croissants for breakfast.
to make a sound like the sound made by an old door when it opens or closes. rechinar, rechinido.?. The porch roof (cre- -ed) with the heavy weight of the snow. inizia ad imparare
Creak... The porch roof (creaked) with the heavy weight of the snow.
a cloth that is used to wrap a dead body. mortaja, sudario. paño o sábana en que se envulve un cadaver para el entierro?.?. The body was buried in a (sh- -). inizia ad imparare
Shroud... The body was buried in a shroud.
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to make the loud, high sound that a rooster makes or a similar sound?. Cantar (del gallo). The cock (cro- -) as the sun began to rise... Charles always wakes up when the rooster starts (cr- -). inizia ad imparare
crow...... Charles always wakes up when the rooster starts "crowing".
The cock (cr---) as the sun began to rise. to make the loud, high sound that a rooster makes or a similar sound?. Cantar (del gallo). inizia ad imparare
crow...... The cock "crowed" as the sun began to rise.
is an adult male chicken: rooster. inizia ad imparare
cock....... The "cock" was crowing.
is an adult male chicken: rooster?. inizia ad imparare
cock....... The "cock" was crowing.
My bones (cre- -) when I get out of bed. to make a sound like the sound made by an old door when it opens or closes?. The loud (cr--) spooked the cat. inizia ad imparare
creak... My bones (creak) when I get out of bed. The loud creak spooked the cat.
to make a sound like the sound made by an old door when it opens or closes?. rechinar. My bones (cre- -) when I get out of bed. inizia ad imparare
creak... My bones creak when i get out of bed.