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Domanda English Risposta English
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Too much, too strong, many, a lot
Her perfume is so overwhelming that I can’t sit next to her
Down in the dumps
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Sad, not happy, depressed
Mieć chandrę, być przybitym
When Tara’s dog Died, she was down in the dumps for weeks. He looks a bit down in the dumps.
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Something seen in one’s mind or dream
before I start painting, I always have a vision of what the finished work will look like.
Skill set
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abilities A person has to do a job, what a person needs to do in activity.
Working at the bank seems like a good job, but math And money I’m not part of my skill set.
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Creative; Interested in creative activities; Shows special abilities
your son Jeff is very artistic. He is a very good painter and he seems to enjoy drawing very much.
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Special ability
I have a talent for hooking up my friends.
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Blank surface That artists paint on.
I have a large canvas at home that I’m going to paint next week.
Blank; go blank
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With no writing, pictures, or sound.
czysty, pusty; miec pustke w glowie
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Artist’s Best work
schielle Created his first masterpiece At a very young age.
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Not able to leave or move
The door won’t open! I’m stuck in here!
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Helping a person feel better
I think that gardening is very therapeutic after a long day at work. It relaxes me.
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she said very clearly that you can’t go to the party.
Wyraźnie, czytelnie, jasno

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