P221 - Will - prośby; zgadzanie się

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Pomożesz mi?
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Will you help me?
Nauczysz mnie jak tańczyć?
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Will you teach me how to dance?
Pójdziesz tam ze mną?
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Will you go there with me?
Zamkniesz okno, proszę?
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Will you close the window, please?
Proszę o ciszę!
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Will you be quiet!
Tak, pomogę ci.
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Okay, I'll help you.
Jasne, o co chodzi?
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Sure, what is it?
Oczywiście, że cię nauczę.
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Of course I will teach you.
Jasne, pójdę tam z tobą.
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Sure, I will go there with you.

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