P. Verb 1

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Domanda English Risposta English
Be watchful! The wall is falling.
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Look out
His ambitious plans failed to materialise.
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fell through
The men mugged the boy and the crowd just watched.
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looked on
The blouse matches the skirt.
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goes with
The fire started in the house last night
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broke out
Some diseases are caused by unhealthy food
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brought on
He paid us a short visit yesterday
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called on us
Her visa expired two weeks ago
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ran out
He paid his bill and left the hotel
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checked out of
Fashionable clothes will never become popular in villages
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catch on
Why have you chosen me for repeatedly unfair treatment?
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picked on me
He gave the exam questions to all the students
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handed out
I didn’t allow them to enter
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turned them away
I can’t see anybody there
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make out
We had a lot of applicants for the job, but one was much better than the rest
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stood out from
The soldiers exploded the bridge
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blew up
Wait! I must finish the conversation on the other line
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Hold on
The disease was so serious that we thought she wouldn’t regain health
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pull through
The car stopped by the gate
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pulled up
Spreading malicious gossip, you are inviting trouble
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asking for trouble

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