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to extol the virtues of sth inizia ad imparare
staying in bed longer than usual inizia ad imparare
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to have strong desires or aspirations inizia ad imparare
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zadowolony z siebie, arogancki
to think about sth carfully inizia ad imparare
a fierce or sudden attack inizia ad imparare
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to lack scientific rigour to not be based on strict scientific methods inizia ad imparare
nie mieć naukowej rzetelności
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to have a negative effect inizia ad imparare
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to add more (often negative) criticism inizia ad imparare
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geriatyczny, dotyczący osób starszych
a person's natural sleep-wake pattern inizia ad imparare
having tired or unfocusedd eyes inizia ad imparare
z przekrwionymi oczami, niewsypany
a designed space for sleeping at work inizia ad imparare
To kick off a week of sth To begin or start a specific week dedicated to something inizia ad imparare
A suspected case of sabotage A situation where someone is believed to have intentionally damaged or disrupted something. inizia ad imparare
Podejrzany przypadek sabotażu
To cut or break a cable completely inizia ad imparare
A cable used for telecommunications, such as internet or phone connections. inizia ad imparare
A designated area where economic activities are regulated, often referring to an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). inizia ad imparare
The continuous transmission of digital media (such as video or audio) over the internet. inizia ad imparare
A large and extensive system of interconnected elements. inizia ad imparare
A large number of contributing elements or reasons. inizia ad imparare
To be assigned a specific responsibility or duty. inizia ad imparare
Mieć powierzone zadanie dotyczące czegoś
To be placed or installed on the bottom of the sea or ocean. inizia ad imparare
Być położonym na dnie morskim / oceanu
To raise concern over sth To express worry or alarm about something. inizia ad imparare
Podnieść obawy dotyczące czegoś
Beyond physical vulnerability Extending past mere physical weakness or susceptibility inizia ad imparare
Poza fizyczną podatnością
Be susceptible to surveillance To be at risk of being monitored or watched. inizia ad imparare
Być podatnym na inwigilację
To intercept communications To secretly listen to, block, or capture messages between people. inizia ad imparare
Przechwytywać komunikację
A message, transmission, or exchange of information. inizia ad imparare
A slang phrase meaning "You are very successful, confident, or impressive." inizia ad imparare
Jesteś świetny! / Masz to coś!
The large-scale removal of trees from forests. inizia ad imparare
The speed or extent at which forests are being cut down. inizia ad imparare
To lead a raid to combat sth To organize and direct an attack or operation against something. inizia ad imparare
Przeprowadzić nalot w celu zwalczania czegoś
People who cut down trees without permission or in violation of the law. inizia ad imparare
A factory or place where logs are cut into lumber. inizia ad imparare
Tiny wood particles produced when cutting or sanding wood. inizia ad imparare
To achieve or complete an objective. inizia ad imparare
To limit or reduce unauthorized tree-cutting. inizia ad imparare
Ograniczyć nielegalne wyręby drzew
Territories traditionally inhabited by native or indigenous peoples. inizia ad imparare
Ziemie rdzennych mieszkańców
To kick off a major campaign To start a significant promotional or activist effort. inizia ad imparare
Processed or unprocessed wood used in construction. inizia ad imparare
Drewno budowlane / kłody drewna
A truckload of illegal timber A large quantity of unlawfully harvested wood transported by truck. inizia ad imparare
Ciężarówka nielegalnego drewna
To increase suddenly and dramatically. inizia ad imparare
To plunge 66% year on year To decrease by 66% compared to the previous year. inizia ad imparare
The extraction of oil from beneath the ocean floor. inizia ad imparare
An area rich in different species of plants and animals. inizia ad imparare
Region o dużej bioróżnorodności
Air contamination caused by heating systems. inizia ad imparare
Zanieczyszczenie spowodowane ogrzewaniem
Transportation systems in cities, such as buses or trains. inizia ad imparare
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Producing no harmful pollutants. inizia ad imparare
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To try something to see how it works. inizia ad imparare
The quality of having a lot of space. inizia ad imparare
A propeller-driven airplane A plane powered by spinning blades. inizia ad imparare
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