onenote - rob

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Domanda Risposta
pick me up/ drop me off
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odbierz mnie / wyrzuć mnie
pull up
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zatrzymać się
grumpy guy
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zrzędliwy facet
take themself very seriously
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traktuj siebie bardzo poważnie
consider them superior
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uważaj ich za lepszych
play for keeps
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grać na serio
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Unemployment in the country was rife, with almost two million people out of work.
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bezrobocie w kraju było rozpowszechnione z ponad dwoma milionami osob bez pracy
snowy utopias
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śnieżne utopie
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let off the gas
Whatever you do, do not let off the gas.
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zdejmowac noge z gazu
to cheer someone
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dopingować kogoś
He scrambled to the top of the mountain.
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wspinanie się, gramolenie, szyfrowanie
lax atitude
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luźna postawa, luźne podejście
Why have I always felt this instinctive repulsion towards him
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wstręt, odraza, odpychanie
imposing on others
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narzucanie innym
firm grip
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Pewny uchwyt
warrior mentality
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mentalność wojownika
don't get twisty
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nie kręć się
undergoing experience
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przechodząc doświadczenie
I was charged with protecting you so you could undergo an operation
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przejść, znieść, ulec
readjust my goals
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dostosować moje cele
perpetualy out of comfort zone
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wiecznie poza strefą komfortu
to be in dungeon
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być w lochu

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