On the road 6 Tallinn

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Domanda Risposta
brona, krata spuszczana (np. w bramie twierdzy)
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blankowanie, krenelaż, blanki
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strzelnica, otwór strzelniczy w ścianie
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furtka, luka (w przepisach, w systemie prawnym, podatkowym)
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płyta chodnikowa, kamień brukowy
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zagorzały / wierny (sojusznik), zagorzały, zażarty (zwolennik), oddany (przyjaciel)
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He has a reputation as being a staunch supporter of monarchy. a stauch champion of modernist simplicity
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It was a one-aisled building with a rectangular chancel.
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At about the same time, the new vestry was built.
szczyt, ściana szczytowa
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acute gable
przenikliwy, przeszywający (ból)
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kościelny, zakrystian
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to accommodate the vergers of Saint Nicholas Church
mający fronton
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nie z tego świata, nieziemski
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its otherworldly qualities are not limited to its form, for the hydra is the only known animal able to constantly regenerate cells and possibly forever
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ulewa / przypływ (np. emocji), zalew (np. informacji), napływ (np. listów), szereg (np. wydarzeń, czynności), lawina (np. zdarzeń, listów)
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I felt a flurry of love when I saw the newborn. He defended the brand and vowed to bring back business with new menu items such as boba drinks and an egg sandwich with pesto, speedier service in stores, and a flurry of promotions.
element wskazujący na istnienie niebezpieczeństwa (dosł. "kanarek w kopalni węgla"; z czasów, gdy górnicy zabierali pod ziemię kanarki, których śmierć w kopalni miała świadczyć o wycieku gazów do tuneli)
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canary in a coal mine
The firm's struggles have stirred debate about whether they are a canary-in-the-coal-mine kind of warning that the go-lucky consumer spending that has powered the world's largest economy in recent years might be abruptly losing steam.
dosadny, prostolinijny
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poruszyć, poruszać, ruszyć, ruszać
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it was budging
zostawać w tyle
On zostaje w tyle, więc poczekajmy na niego.
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to lag
Thanks for waiting for lagging behind along the hill side. See you next time. He's lagging behind so let's wait for him.
osłupiały, zdumiony / feeling shocked, usually because of something you were not expecting
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When they announced her name, the winner just sat there, flabbergasted. She is flabbergasted by the whole affair.
bystrość (umysłu), sprawność, zręczność (manualna) / the ability to think quickly and effectively or do something difficult extremely well
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with the dexterity of: He answered the reporters' questions with all the dexterity of a politician. vocal dexterity: The duo's vocal dexterity is something to behold.
zręcznościowy (np. gra) / the ability to perform a difficult action quickly and skilfully with the hands
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with dexterity: He caught the ball with great dexterity. / Young children lack the dexterity to brush their teeth effectively.
berek (zabawa) / a game played by two or more children in which one child chases the others and tries to touch one of them. This child then becomes the one who does the chasing.
Pobawmy się w berka. / Berek! Teraz ty gonisz! / Berek to ulubiona zabawa mojego syna.
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Let's play tag. / Tag! You're it! / Tag is my son's favourite play.
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bystrość (umysłu), przenikliwość
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niezachwiany, niewzruszony
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trudna sytuacja, niedola
Niepokoi nas niedola mniejszości religijnych i etnicznych w całych Chinach.
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We are concerned about the plight of religious and ethnic minorities across the whole of China. We absolutely understand and support the plight of teachers and we can discuss this further when we meet.
nieporadny, niezdarny, niezręczny / being clumsy
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So, I was drawing yesterday with a pencil, and I broke it 'cos I'm really ham-fisted, and then I borrowed another one from my friend, but I broke that one as well! I wanted to learn the piano, but I'm too ham-fisted. I just kept hitting the wrong keys.
przekazanie (np obowiązków)
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przebijać (np. opony), przecinać (np. materiał), nacinać (rowki w czymś)
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He was attacked leaving the tavern, his face so viciously slashed that he was almost unrecognisable.
ulec (np. chorobie, obrażeniom), umrzeć
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he tried to catch the boat, which had sailed furrher up the coast, but succumbed to fever and died.

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