On Screen B1 1d

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obowiązki domowe
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chores to do= tasks, such as cleaning, that need to be done regularly in a home
bliskie relacje
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close relationships= the members or your family; your relatives
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complain (v) = to say that you are annoyed, unhappy or not satisfied
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cooperation (n)= willingness to work together with sb
mieć towarzystwo
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hace company= to be or spend time with another person
zranić uczucia
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hurt sb's feelings= to make sb feel very upset, unhappy, sad, etc
żyć dlugie lata
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live a long life= to be alive for many years
święty spokój
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peace and quiet= a situation in which you are not annoyed by noise or other people
młodsze pokolenie
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younger generation= a group of people at an earlier stage of life

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