Ola 23rd Jan (45 min)

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Myślę, że powinnaś porafbować włosy na blond.
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I think you should dye your hair blonde.
Mam problemy z plecami.
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I have BACK issues.
o ile
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as long as
I can help you as long as you promise to pay me.
jechać na wakacje
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to go on holiday
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a commitment / to make a commitment
Players must make a commitment to play for a full season.
na życie
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for life
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a process
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blat kuchenny
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a kitchen counter
dzielenie się jest dbaniem o innych
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sharing is caring
w końcu
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in the end
We were thinking about going to Switzerland, but in the end we went to Austria.
schronisko dla zwierząt
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an animal shelter
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łatwo go przestraszyć
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he gets scared easily
mieć dość czegoś
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to be fed up WITH sth
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to draw - drew - drawn
chronić przed czymś
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to protect against / from sth
Vitamin C may help protect against cancer.
It's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
Nie mogę skupić się na czytaniu książki.
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I can't FOCUS on reading the book.
złożyć coś razem
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to put sth together
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to grow
don't confuse GROW with GROW UP!!!
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to grow up
don't confuse GROW with GROW UP!!!
To było denerwujące.
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It was upsetting.
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produkty rolne
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a basis
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to freeze - froze - frozen
w bazarze
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at the market
AT the market refers to the location, while ON the market refers to something being for sale.
I was at the market yesterday buying fresh vegetables.
na rynku (np. nieruchomości) / na sprzedaż
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on the market
AT the market refers to the location, while ON the market refers to something being for sale.
This product is now on the market
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a menu
What's on the menu (= for dinner) tonight?

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