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co sądzisz o
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what/how about (... ing)/this
co myślisz o
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what do you think of ... ing...?
dlaczego by nie
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why dont we?
Zróbmy to
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lets do it
nie możesz sie, pomylic co do czegoś
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you cant go wrong with
brzmi dobrze
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that sounds good/like a good idea
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myślę, że to świetny/okropny pomysł
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i think thats a great/terrible idea
nie jest to zły pomysł, ale nie jest też dobry
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its not a bad idea but its not a good one, either
nie obchodzilo to mnie bedac szczerym
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i dont think much of that idea, to be honest
głównym powodem jest
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the main reason is
kolejnym powodem
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another reason is
to nie jest prawie tak dobry/zły jak
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it's not nearly as good/bad as
jest prawie tak dobry jak/to nie jest calkiem tak dobre jak
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its almost/it isnt quite as good/bad as
to nawet lepsze gorsze niż
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thats even better/worse than
to jak narazie najlepszy/najgorszy pomysł
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thats by far the best/worst idea
to najlepszy pomysł, jaki mamy
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thats the best idea we’ve had
to ten jedyny
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thats the one
zrobmy to
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lets go for it

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