October 10

 0    11 schede    pjendruszko
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Domanda Risposta
Zamawiam sok pomarańczowy
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I order orange juice
Płacę 10 złotych
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I pay 10 zlotys
Zamawiam gotowaną wodę
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I order boiled water
Wołam kelnera
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I call the peron who brings the dish
Wolam kelnera
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I call a waiter
Wołam kelnerke
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I call the waitress
Znalazłam włosa w daniu
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I found a hair in the dish
Chcę zwrotu pięniędzy
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I want a refund
Smakuje mi jedzenie z włosem
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I like food with hair
znalazłam magiczną karte
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I found a magic card
pychotka w moim brzuszku
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yummy in my tummy

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