Oct 22 (0) Pat's words 2021_10_22

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Domanda English Risposta English
reap the benefit, reward, etc. She studied every evening and reaped the benefit at exam time. Rich harvests reaps herself to flatter.
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to cut and collect a grain crop
With the extra resources, the project now seems feasible.
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able to be made, done, or achieved:
For years people have been trying to fathom (out) the mysteries of the whale's song.
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to discover the meaning of something:
the male psyche Peru is a very traditional country, and embedded in its psyche is a love of ceremony.
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the mind, or the deepest thoughts, feelings, or beliefs of a person or group:
It is not possible to pinpoint precisely the time of deat
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to find out or say the exact position in space or time of something
turn around
I can't just turn round and say, "Sorry, it was all a big mistake
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to change a plan, business, or system that is unsuccessful and make it successful:
The house will not be yours till after your mother's decease.
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a person's death
I don't begrudge him his freedom. They begrudged every day they had to stay with their father.
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to feel unhappy because someone has something that you think they do not deserve
eatable (PR)
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Food that is eatable is good enough to eat, but not excellent
The injection provided a temporary reprieve from the pain. He was sentenced to death but was granted a last-minute reprieve.
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An escape from a bad situation or experience:
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no longer new or fresh, usually as a result of being kept for too long:
donkey's years
She's been in the same job for donkey's years.
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a very long time:
We had a very smooth flight with no turbulence at all. a smooth surface/texture/consistency
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happening without any sudden changes, interruption, or difficulty
labor intensive / time consuming
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labor */ time * job
to be jammed with content
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a course ith a lot of content
applicable (PR)
The new qualifications are applicable to all European countries.
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affecting or relating to a person or thing:
night owl /early bird
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night * /early *
concrete examples
They think she killed her husband, but they have no concrete evidence.
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clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen or felt:
subjected (PR)
The invaders quickly subjected the local tribes.
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to defeat people or a country and then control them against their wishes and limit their freedom:
I remember my carefree student days.
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having no problems or not being worried about anything:
I don't bear any grudge against you.
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a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, especially one that lasts for a long time:
greedy, selfish people He's greedy for power/success.
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wanting a lot more food, money, etc. than you need:

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