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po drodze
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along the way
stawiać czoła problemowi, wrócić na ring
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face the problem, get back out there
You just gotta get back out there. Think what you wanna do.
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shop assistant, sales clerk, clerk
wałęsać się
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mope around
Well, you can’t just mope around.
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All the best enterpreneurs fight their way back from rock- bottom.
umowa na czas określony
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fixed term contract
six- month, fixed- term contract
doświadczenie z
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experience with/ of
Do you have experience of caregiving?
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talkative, chatty
poprawiający jakość życia
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improves quality of life, life- enhancing
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personality, presence
life-enhancing presence with a lot of potential
podążać za
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follow, pursue
Do you have aspirations for a career that you wish to pursue?
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awesome, cool, mean
I make a mean cup of tea.
praca w godzinach...
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The hours are 8 to 5, Monday to Saturday.
z jakiegokolwiek powodu
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for whatever reason
If, for whatever reason, you’re running late, please call and let me know.
spóźnić się
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to be late, turn up late, run late
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to highlight/emphasize, stress
I must stress that...
odsłaniający ciało
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revealing the body
You might want to wear sth a little less revealing.
zrobić łagodne przejście
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make a smooth transition
niezbedny, istotny
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indispensable, essential
He informed me that you are indispensible to his organization.
zmienić zdanie
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change your mind, reconsider
Just this morning the attorney who was planning to quit reconsidered.
ogłoszenie o pracę
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job advertisement/job ad
I’m calling about the job ad.
pełny zespół
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full team/ staff
We have a full staff now.
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plead - pled (US) - pled (US)/ beg
Don’t make me beg.
patrzeć na kogoś/ coś
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look at someone / something
A women is looking at job ads in the newspaper.
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promising/ up-and-coming
up-and-coming detectives
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I thought that you were applying to be a mentor, not a mentee.
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briefly/shortly/ for short
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a reference/ recommendation
Would you write me a recommendation?
ma termin / zbliża się niedługo
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has a deadline/ it‘s due pretty soon
posterunek/ dzielnica
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skłaniać się, zmierzać
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lean/ tend to do sth
prawie nikt
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almost no one/ hardly anyone
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dustman/ garbage collector
koniec końców coś zrobić, skończyć
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to end up doing sth
Who do this kids actually end up being?
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You’re not making an irreversible choice, you can always change your mind.
zbliżać się
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They approach that moment when a decision should be made.
wybrać na życie
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choose for life
There are very few jobs nowadays that people choose for life.
zdecydowana większość
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the vast majority of
w którymś momencie życia
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at some point in your life
uniwersalne zdolności
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universal skills
sumienność, świadomość
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lubić coś / czuć pasję do czegoś
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to be fond of sth/ feel passionate about sth
iść w innym kierunku
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go in another direction
nie wiedzieć gdzie zacząć
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don't know where to start
subskrybuj / zapisz się na dodatkowe zajęcia
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subscribe to/ sign up for extra classes
fascynować się szyciem lub robieniem na drutach
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be fascinated by sewing or knitting
doprowadzić do czegoś
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lead to something
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rady dotyczące
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tips on
Helpful tips on your diet and your calorie and fat targets while taking.
You’ll find websites with tips on how to put it together.
Nie rozpisuj się.
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Keep it short.
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bullet point
Use brief bullet points.
wgrywać na serwer
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upload to server
radzić sobie z
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to deal with/ to handle/ to cope with/ to deal effectively with
How do you handle a stressful situation?
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likeable and easy to get on with
wyróżniać się spośród
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stand out from
You can share a fun fact to stand out from the other candidates.
odstresować się
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to de-stress
When I’m not working, I like to de- stress by relaxing outdoors.
zagorzały, namiętny czytelnik
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avid reader
pozwolić sobie na coś
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allow yourself to something
Exercise allows my mind to take a break and gives me the energy.
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Be concise and confident.
przecenić / przeszacować
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Don’t overestimate yourself.
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aligned with
My experience is perfectly aligned with the requirements you asked for in your listing.
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ad/ listing
biegły / biegły w języku
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fluent in/ well-versed in
przechawalać się czymś
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brag about something
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characteristic/ attribute/ feature
Try to evaluate which of your skills or attributes sets you apart from other candidates.
wyróżnia Cię spośród tłumu
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sets you apart from the crowd
Which of your attributes sets you apart from other candidates?
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a superior
szukać drogi, rozwiązania
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seek the way, the solution/ search for ways to
I constantly search for ways to improve my superior’s work comfort.
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to appreciate/to value
I also value my communication skills.
wzajemne zrozumienie (między ludźmi)
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mutual understanding (between people)
w przeciwieństwie do
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in contrast to/ contrary to
Contrary to what you might think...
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zmierzać do
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aim to
mieć za cel
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have a goal/ aim at
This question doesn’t aim at exposing you.
pozorny, rzekomy
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Try to turn a seeming weakness into a strength.
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example/ instance
Provide a specific instance.
droczyć się
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to tease about
Colleagues would tease me about how they can trust me with any secret.
podjąć kroki
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take steps to
I’ve taken steps to correct it by making use of available technology.
system powiadamiania
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notification system
zostało moim najlepszym przyjacielem
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became my best friend
Dlaczego chce Pan odejść z obecnej pracy?
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Why do you want to leave your current job?
trzymaj się faktów
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stick to facts
Miałam szczęście nauczyć się...
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I was fortunate to learn...
przesunąć się
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scoot over/ shove along
Jakie są Pana oczekiwania finansowe?
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What are your salary expectations?
eliminować kogoś z czegoś
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eliminate someone with something/ knock out of
If you overprice yourself, it might knock you out of competition.
nie doceniać finansowo
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If you underprice yourself, you might receive an unsatisfactory offer.
zostawić miejsce na negocjacje
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leave room for negotiation
zarabiać średnio
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earn on average
Experienced receptionist in Cracow average around 4000 per month.
koszty utrzymania/życia
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cost of living / life
wiązać się z
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be accompanied with
I’m open to negotiation if a lower salary was accompanied with flexible hours or additional leave.
wybuchać, pompować, wysadzić
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explode, pump, blow up
After a few months of regular publication it blew up into 3000 readers a month.
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editorial team
przyczyniać się do, pisać do (np. magazynu)
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contribute to
I will be able to both learn and contribute to the high- quality content that your magazine publishes.
Jak sobie radzisz ze stresem?
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How do you deal with/ handle stress?
Wykorzystać coś na swoją korzyść.
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Use sth to your advantage.
uznać, potwierdzić
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Let your answer acknowledge workplace stress and explain how to deal with it.
obejść, ominąć
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I just find a way to circumvent workplace stress and use it constructively.
prosperować, kwitnąć, rozwijać się
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thriving business
I must admit I don‘t thrive in a stressful environment, but workplace stress is perfectly natural and I found ways to circumvent it and use it constructively.
nastawienie na rozwiązanie problemów
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focus on solving problems/ initiate a problem- solving approach
I try to look at things from their perspective and always initiate a problem- solving approach.
problemy z
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problems with/ issues with
In case of issues with customers, I try to...
miły, sympatyczny
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It is my belief that if we all maintain a collaborative and congenial office, it greatly reduces workplace stress.
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When facing the most challenging situations, I take a deep breath and try to resolve the issue reasonably.
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Remember to include details which will make your story believable.
To nie są ćwiczenia!
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This is not a drill!
włączyć się
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go off
The alarm went off and the manager ran in shouting.
na szczęście
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Thankfully, we have been practising the fire drill regularly, so all of my actions followed out of habit.
ćwiczenie czyni mistrza
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practice makes perfect
I find that practise makes perfect.
zostać, pozostać
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stick around
What they really want to know is if you will stick around or move the moment you find a better offer.
usiłować, dążyć do czegoś
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strive, strive for something
I strive to secure a job and become a loyal and valued employee.
odpowiednie do stanowiska/ dotyczy stanowiska
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relevant to the position
You can say that you don’t see how this is relevant to the position that you apply for, note that it is not an issue for your performance in this job.
problem z wydajnością w tej pracy
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issue for your performence in this job
przestrzegać prawa pracy
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abide by labour law
This may be the red light telling you that it’s time to reconsider working for a company that doesn’t abide by labour law.
Jak mi poszło?
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How did it go?/ How did I do?
wyprasowane ubrania
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ironed clothes/ pressed clothes
dużo zdziałać
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That always goes a long way.
Being respectful and kind goes a long way toward building a relationship.
Kim chcesz być, gdy dorośniesz?
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Who do you want to be when you grow up?
Moją największą siłą jest punktualność.
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My greatest strength is punctuality.
pracować na własny rachunek
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work freelance/freelance
pracować na cały etat / na pół etatu / na czarno
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work full-time / part-time / black
łyk wody
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sip of water
Can I have a sip of your water?
na twoją korzyść
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in your favor/ to your adventage
If you have an overenthusiastic team member, use it to your advantage and give them extra work.
pozbyć się
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cofać, odwracać
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to consider (doing)
ponownie rozważyć
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a minority
odwracalny - nieodwracalny
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reversible - irreversible
Po co tak ryzykować!
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Why take such a risk?

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